Thank you for all the advice posted on this thread. I will be sure to post a trip report after my visit to Utah and include all of the funny incidents and my learning experiences out there. In fact, I'm looking forward to a trip to be remembered!

We are flying in Thursday night and plan on sleeping early and drinking tons of water to get used to the altitude. I will also bring my camel pak on the slopes to stay hydrated. I have been to the Andes in Peru this past summer and have experienced altitude sickness. Hopefully we can adjust in one night...
We will most definitely check out Alta and gauge our ability on Friday. We might skip Snowbird altogether if Alta proved to be too much to handle. Oh, we will most DEFINITELY rest up instead of being too cavalier and cramming in skiing at night.
I also bought a "buff" last year at REI (the woman at the store damn near put the thing on me and showed me how to wear it 3 out of the 15 ways possible) and it made a world of difference skiing while it rained in 7Springs two years in a row. I will be sure to bring that with me. I also plan on buying an extra pair of gloves in the event that my first pair don't dry off from the day before.
I have already secured transport from the hotel to the UTA services downtown. We just have to get up earlier to make sure we hit the slopes when they first open.
I can totally see the sex analogy. In fact, while I might be crazy for saying this, I have made the claims that at times, skiing is better than sex depending on the situation

Furthermore, I realize that the manner in which I asked my questions made it seem like a teenager about to attempt something great/exciting/dangerous for the first time as well, so those responses are welcomed.
As for answering some of the questions posted, here they are:
1. We decided to head out west because of the cheap deal (under $600.00 for airfare, lodging, and lift tickets for 3 days). It seemed as cheap or even cheaper to head out west than to go to WhiteFace, Stowe or Jay to experience the slopes of NE.
2. I have a great friend who used to race and have skied Vail, Aspen, Steamboat Springs, Alta, Snowbird, Park City, Telluride, Crested Butte, Brighton, Solitude etc. and told me that "you haven't skied until you ski OUT WEST".
3. I plan on conquering and learning to ski all the great resorts in the Mid-Atlantic. I will not "abandon my roots"

Thank you and as always, keep the suggestions coming!