Blue Knob GTG- Feb. 21-22
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Laurel Hill Crazie
December 30, 2008
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
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OK, now it's official, gathering at Blue Knob 2/21-22. Instigated by JohnL in another thread and propagated by comprex over on Epic, we bring to you for your ski and boarding experience another get together of DCSkiers and EpicSkiers.

It looks like a family from Dixie, a couple from Vermont, an instructor & excellent bump skier from Ohio and an EpicSki moderator from the City of Brotherly Love along with the usual suspects from around here are now committed or seriously considering attending. This is shaping up to be the biggest and best gathering ever for the Mid-Atlantic crowd.

Chime in here if you're thinking or committing to attend. Organize lodging and ride shares or otherwise wax enthusiastic about the coming event.

Bring friends, bring family, bring significant others and join the fun.
December 30, 2008
Member since 02/19/2006 🔗
365 posts
Should I plan on bringing 5-10 lbs of brats? I don't know if I can have a batch of beer ready in time, but I'll give it a go...

December 30, 2008
Member since 04/11/2003 🔗
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Originally Posted By: scootertig
Should I plan on bringing 5-10 lbs of brats? I don't know if I can have a batch of beer ready in time, but I'll give it a go...


It think that might be a very good idear.

You still got those old K2s? Bring those too.
Laurel Hill Crazie
December 30, 2008
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
2,051 posts
Brats and beer are very good. I can bring some micro brew swill. Anybody renting slopeside???
December 30, 2008
Member since 12/9/2004 🔗
649 posts
I should be there assuming they have something open
December 30, 2008
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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I am planning on it. Hoping ULLR can make it. Chainsawz & cigarettes....isn't that a clarks song????.......Brats & beer...........mmmmmmmmmmmm
December 30, 2008
Member since 02/19/2006 🔗
365 posts
Originally Posted By: BushwackerinPA
I should be there assuming they have something open

Yes, that's probably the sticking point for the whole GTG. No snow = no go. But we could just turn it into a brat-eating GTG.

Originally Posted By: comprex
You still got those old K2s? Bring those too.

Woah, I'm surprised you remember about those! I do have them, and I'm getting some serious pressure from the GF to get rid of them, so I'd happily send them your way. She's keeping the ancient poles that were with them though... They're pretty sweet in a Saddleback/Loveland sort of way... Maybe that's a Blue Knob sort of way, too...

December 30, 2008
Member since 01/8/2005 🔗
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Mark me tentative, with beer/brats and/or some ribs in my cooler.
December 31, 2008
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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So Ullr is in, chainsaw massacre is ON.

What a coup if someone could talk MScott into attending????

Are you listening scott?? Should someone challenge you to a ski off or something?? It wouild be so cool for teh worden to spend sum time wit da inmates grin .
December 31, 2008
Member since 01/8/2005 🔗
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You're only saying that because you're an inmate laugh
Laurel Hill Crazie
December 31, 2008
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
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I'm in for both days.
The Colonel
December 31, 2008
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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I hope to also be with the DCSki wild bunch for at least one of the two days in Feb.
The Colonel smile
January 2, 2009
Member since 01/5/2006 🔗
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I'll be staying up at HV for the weekend, but could swing by sunday for a few hours if the rest of the family does not make plans.
January 2, 2009
Member since 10/22/2004 🔗
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I'll be there for the weekend. Friday also if it looks good.
January 2, 2009
Member since 04/11/2003 🔗
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Jah, Jah send me come,
and no heathen shall stop me.
January 3, 2009
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
Hey, that sounds pretty good. I'd love to make it up. I've never skied BK. What's everyone doing for lodging??
January 4, 2009
Member since 07/12/2004 🔗
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I will be in Steamboat with the extended family for a week beginning with Feb. 21. Please make some Extrovert runs for me. Unfortunately my shameful attendance record at DCSki gatherings continues.
January 4, 2009
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
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sorry ! i'll be skiing utah for two months ...
January 5, 2009
Member since 02/24/2008 🔗
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I should be there for at least one day.

January 8, 2009
Member since 11/15/2008 🔗
14 posts
This sounds awesome! I would love to see what Blue Knob is all about. It looks tricky, in a good way. I would put myself in the yes pile to meet up on the mountain for at least one of the days. If I can find some people with similar needs maybe we can figure out some rooming or something, let me know if so. But def expect to meetup for a one day.
January 9, 2009
Member since 09/16/2006 🔗
88 posts
Sounds like fun. I've never skied BK. If I can make it, it would be just Saturday. I would be down for doing a daytripper carpool from the DC Metro/NOVA region.
JimK - DCSki Columnist
January 17, 2009
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
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Directed to all, I'm part of a mature group with slope side housing this weekend at BK; three nights, Fri, Sat and Sun (Feb 20-22). We're almost full, but may have a sleep sofa or bunk open, also possibly a private bedroom with a double bed (for a couple). If you are interested in joining us send me a PM and I'll share more details. This is a first come, first serve deal. Cost is in $100-150 range total.
Laurel Hill Crazie
January 18, 2009
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
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Click this link for some verbage about conditions on 1/17:

Laurel Hill Crazie
January 22, 2009
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
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Laurel Hill Crazie
February 3, 2009
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
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February 3, 2009
Member since 02/19/2006 🔗
365 posts
I'm out. Had a business trip come up. Headed to San Diego for 3 days, and it just happens to be over that weekend...


How late does the season usually run for them? I have 3 lift tickets I'd like to use there, but I feel like time is running out...

February 4, 2009
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,563 posts
How late does the season usually run for them? I have 3 lift tickets I'd like to use there, but I feel like time is running out...

From past years, at least the 15th of March. Most likely one week later. YMMV.
February 6, 2009
Member since 02/6/2009 🔗
1 posts
Interested in selling any tickets. I was thinking of making a day trip to bk Tommorow.
February 6, 2009
Member since 02/19/2006 🔗
365 posts
Hmm... Actually heading up tomorrow might be workable. Will they be crowded? Does it ever get crowded there?
JimK - DCSki Columnist
February 9, 2009
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
3,011 posts
Originally Posted By: JimK
Directed to all, I'm part of a mature group with slope side housing this weekend at BK; three nights, Fri, Sat and Sun (Feb 20-22). We're almost full, but may have a sleep sofa or bunk open, also possibly a private bedroom with a double bed (for a couple). If you are interested in joining us send me a PM and I'll share more details. This is a first come, first serve deal. Cost is in $100-125 range total.

Bump. Above info still applies. There will be good skiing. Accuweather says this warm spell ends Wednesday night, seasonably cool for an extended period thereafter.
Laurel Hill Crazie
February 17, 2009
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
2,051 posts

I just got back from a day at BK. I'll focus on the positive first. Expressway, upper intermediate fall line slope under the triple had freshly made, ungroomed snow whales down its length. It skied most interestingly, transitioning both over whales and surface conditions. Skiers right was dense, fairly dry machine made and the spines and gun side of the whales were very firm but not ice hard pack. Coverage was excellent except for a patch on skiers right before Mambo intersection. I suspect this trail will be groomed cord soon.

Jack Rabbit was fast groomed with a few icy patch on the steeper pitches down the middle. Coverage was very good but there's some loose small rock from tiller churn.

Deer Run was very similar, groomed with a few hard to icy patches in the middle.

Snowmaking has been concentrated at the top, Expressway, Nastar course, the Run Out, and a few spots on Mambo.

Mambo coverage was excellent with a few whales here and there that made for fun jumps and dips for the tykes.

Stembogan Bowl: bumps, bare spots, and brush for its 50 yard drop. Across the top rim; drop in places were few with bare spots right at the lip but easily jumped with speed or even a four step side step to get back to snow. The very far side of the bowl is groomed to the rim.The rest of the trail and the bottom field was groomed but numerous loose rocks, some not, and icy patches. Coverage was fair to good, no recent snowmaking, skiable with rock skis.

Lower High Hopes appeared to be open so against better judgment we went in. It looked skiable from the chair but the entrance was frozen cat tracks and about and inch or so of natural over solid ice, I mean ice. I'm glad I had sharp edges on my short slalom skis because the trail was solid ice, small bumps, many rocky ice patches, bare spots and did I mention the trail was solid ice under about an inch or so of natural? I may have been stupid enough to ski it again if we hadn't been stopped by the liftie who told us a Patroler riding the lift called down and asked to keep us there. The Patroler musy have seen the rope was down and called to free us after a brief safety reminder from the liftie. It was a pleasant exchange.

Extrovert was closed but coverage on Upper Ex looked good with nicely formed bumps (for Ex) but I'm sure it was identical to High Hopes. In fact we were told it was to dangerous to open and future opening was dependent on Mr. Natural so apparently no snowmaking planned.

Sorry no photos, no digital but it is all so very vivid in my mind.

That's it, we maybe heading to Denton tomorrow . I'll see yunz all at da Knob 'n'at, yinz jag offs.
February 18, 2009
Member since 01/5/2006 🔗
507 posts
Since I will have a non-skiing/non-tubing wife in tow and I am wondering what she can expect to find at Blue Knob. She will probably bring along some knitting/DS/book but would like to know what to expect.
February 18, 2009
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,563 posts
Since I will have a non-skiing/non-tubing wife in tow and I am wondering what she can expect to find at Blue Knob. She will probably bring along some knitting/DS/book but would like to know what to expect.

Blue Knob has probably the most bare bones lodge in the Mid Atlantic. Slip some vodka in her OJ at breakfast, and she probably won't mind.

There really isn't anything within a 20 minute driving distance of the ski area.
February 18, 2009
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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GG, one of our Epicski friends, crgildart is bringing his non-skiing wife. Maybe we can get them together?
Laurel Hill Crazie
February 22, 2009
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
2,051 posts
Just back from the Knob, a few brief words. Thanks to all the DCSkiers and Bears and for making this the largest Mid-Atlantic gathering to date. Special thanks, and I can't thank enough, to JimK. Jim took it upon himself to organize the slope side house and really put himself out to host this event. Jim made sure introductions were made and lead the tour for many of the first timers and as noted above, made sure we were well feed. Thanks Jim.

Blue Knob was in its typical state, you had to pick your line carefully to avoid the the ice but that's the charm and challenge. Extrovert was more as it's nasty self then when I last skied her. Then she was soft as velvet but the melt down and rain from a few weeks back brought out the bullet proof bumps and rocky patches. I think those that skied Ex would agrees she wears her diamond honestly.

I had a great time. The compadres made the gathering as our crowd is just an off the chart great bunch. You guys are just fun to ski with and really inspire me to kick it to the next level. It was good to ski with JohnL and jimmy again. I'm going to try to get to the T-Line next month.

It was great to finally meet some folks here and I hope to ski with you all again.
JimK - DCSki Columnist
February 23, 2009
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
3,011 posts
I left Blue Knob about 6pm Sun night. Sat was bluebird, Sun was intermittant snow showers, got heavier in PM, but only about 3 new inches by 6PM. They might have got another 3 overnight?
Great weekend, between epic and dcski we had a huge posse. Maybe as many as 20 of us at certain times on either day. Never skied with that many fast movers at one time before. Wild, but no collisions. Hard pack conditions, some trails had good manmade snow. Pretty hardy dose of classic Blue Knob skiing. Will post more info/pics in a day or so.
The Colonel
February 23, 2009
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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Today, Monday, was amazing, about 8" of new fluffy snow. The wind howled last night and the snow drifted on some of the slopes up to skiers' knees. Stembogan was mostly powder, so deep that you actually floated on it.
But was it ever cold...13-16 degrees with a heavy wind.
More later...but a special "THANK YOU" to Jim K and all that had a hand in organizing the weekend.
The Colonel smile
February 23, 2009
Member since 01/5/2006 🔗
507 posts
It was a short visit on Sunday, but I had a great time skiing with all you guys. I'll echo the thank you to Jim K and all who helped out in the planning.
By the way, apparently my wife and crgildart's wife did meet up at the lodge while sitting in front of the fireplace. A nice time was had by all then, I think.

Laurel Hill Crazie
February 23, 2009
Member since 08/16/2004 🔗
2,051 posts
So Colonel, you stayed over, you lucky dog. I'm so envious of you. I never skied the Knob with a coat of fresh, at least not the natural kind. It was good to finally meet and ski with you. Same to you Greg. I hope we can get together again.
February 24, 2009
Member since 10/22/2004 🔗
318 posts
I posted a few photos in this thread at

David, sorry for confusing you with WVSkier15.
The Colonel
February 24, 2009
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
3,110 posts
I sent you photos and videos via my Snapfish account.
The Colonel smile
February 24, 2009
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
Originally Posted By: RodSmith

David, sorry for confusing you with WVSkier15.

Rod, I am WVSkier15 on Epic. That was Jimmy in the picture. Sorry for the confusion.
February 25, 2009
Member since 10/22/2004 🔗
318 posts
Haha, David, I figured out your handles, "confusing you with WVSkier15" was an attempt at humor. I realized you were WVS15 when both of you posted the same pictures of your trashed skis. I hope you can patch those up OK.

I still don't think that's Jimmy, but I could be wrong.
February 25, 2009
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
I see I see. smile smile

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