So far so good here at Smuggs. They had 41 inches in the past week, and 117 inches so far this season! I will post some pics but think I forgot the computer cord so may have to wait to next week. The slopes that had a manmade base are really good. Some of thje others have a few thin spots but a good part of he mountain is open. Several gladed areas are really nice. I have skied the last two days until I can hardly walk. Thank goodness for ibuprophen!! I took a few lessons and continue to work on my tough terrain skills. My kid is having a blast on his snowboard. He is in an all day class for first part of week and they have him skiing trees for first time. Looking like some rain tomorrow but if it gets slowed just enough maybe it will be all snow again. They have changed the forcast several times since I been here. from all rain to mix of rain/snow, now its snow until afternoon and a mix after that. Keeping my fingers crossed and may have to wear PJs inside out tonight, but will hold the line at flushing ice cubes.

What the heck, I will try anything!