Whitetail and Liberty are having their employment fairs - TOMORROW!
Oh, I think that falls under both firepower and willingness. No one wants to have extra crew floating around with nothing to do, surely there's a skeleton force that could fire up the guns and run a beginner's ski slope *somewhere* in southern PA? Or you run the employment fair a month earlier and hire a certain number of people as a "fire crew" to come on board when conditions are ready as opposed to a particular starting date. Really, this can't be that tough to solve if the ski area is willing to do so.
Regarding economics: I'll be curious to hear about the crowds at Snowshoe this weekend (though, since my guests start arriving tomorrow, I may not hear much about it for a couple weeks). I'm betting there's enough ski bums in the four million+ Balt/Wash metro region to keep Liberty or Whitetail occupied on a couple runs at this time of year.
Finally, I remember a couple recent seasons that have started out with a bang only to turn, quickly and drastically, into a whimper in December. If I were running a ski area, we'd be bankrupt and begging for money from congress. But if I were COMPETENT and running a ski area
, I'd be gettin' while the gettin' is good. Lay down the base as fast as possible and get open too. I wouldn't be banking on this weather holding through to Christmas. Fantastic if it does, but if it doesn't going full blazes right now only helps. Success is largely comprised of not looking a gift horse in the mouth.
Okay, I'm done with the cliches...