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DCSki Sponsor: Massanutten Resort
oldensign - DCSki Columnist
November 13, 2008
Member since 02/27/2007 🔗
512 posts
Free skiing is close! Below from their web site!


Hidden Valley test runs its state-of-the-art snowmaking system
HIDDEN VALLEY, Pa., - Hidden Valley's mountain crew powered up a few of its brand new state-of-the-art TechnoAlpin Snowmaking machines last night. "We had a several hours of weather conditions that allowed us to turn on a few of the new machines," commented Scott Bender, vice president of resort operations at Hidden Valley. "While the weather will warm up a little by the end of the week, we wanted to take the opportunity to operate the new equipment." Last winter the resort installed 30 of the TechnoAlpin snowmaking guns and 50 more of the impressive snowmakers are now in place for this winter season.
"The new guns are fully automated and equipped with weather instrumentation that allow them to adjust to changing weather conditions with no manual assistance," comments Jim Shultz, mountain manager. "This will assure a consistent snow quality and provide "carving" snow for the resort's winter guests." With a total of 80 new TechnoAlpin guns along with fully automated water pump stations, Hidden Valley has the largest fully-automated TechnoAlpin installation in the United States. The resort has also installed nearly five miles of underground water lines to assure the system's infrastructure is ready to allow the sophisticated snowmaking machines to operate at capacity.
The resort continues to monitor the weather forecast closely for a pattern that will provide several days of temperatures that remain below 28 degrees Fahrenheit and is hopeful to open by Thanksgiving weekend. If Hidden Valley is able to open for the holiday weekend, guests will enjoy free ski tickets in November. The resort will offer $15 ski tickets for any day, twilight or night session from December 1 through December 23, 2008. Skiers and snowboarders should check the resort's web site at www.hiddenvalleyresort.com for the latest information on opening day and snow conditions.
November 13, 2008
Member since 11/6/2008 🔗
9 posts
yup. and inside sources tell me there going too start again on the 17th.

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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