Norsk, that guy was 100% out of control about 95% of the time. How the heck did he stay upright the entire time?
david - no
he was never out of control. you mistake athletic skiing with rec skiing. he is making gross adjustments to stay in balance, to stay "on tip-toe". when you carry a lot of speed and energy, you have to act this way; there is a lot of momentum and speed in a relatively small space/time to operate in.
he was simply making the correct adjustments and keeping up with the terrain. i often see rec skiers make this mistake in understanding ... they think "well that pro skier looks like that so what's wrong with what I do?" there is a lot of difference.
this is a perfect example of a racer skiing literally at 100% ability, and such a beautiful thing; mind only concentrating on winning, body doing its utmost to make it possible.