Lies&Coffee at Alpine Ski Swap?
October 5, 2008
I had half a thought to drop by the Alpine swap on Saturday.
Anyone else?
If not, I might just do a rethink and head over to Octoberfest in Shirlington.
I'm headed to the Alpine swap (although I probably shouldn't - I may end up buying things I don't "need"), but I have to skip the Oktoberfest this year. After pouring at the Nova Brewfest last weekend, I feel like my liver deserves a weekend off... Weather should be amazing for it, though!
Tomorrow I will be wearing:
A Ski Dubai shirt.
Yeah. Hmmmn. Not good.
That's un-American
Ah, well.
Next weekend I expect I'll be at
Glen Burnie Ski Haus
Wonder how big the glasses are?
Wonder how big the glasses are?
Shirlington? 6 oz pours.