Joe Bastardi on GW... not Bush tho
June 3, 2008
67 posts
16 users
43k+ views
Can we not start this up again?
(a) OneNewsNow is not a real news publication. It is a division of the
American Family Association, a
lobbying group that has pushed for efforts many find detestable, such as censorship. For example, the AFA Journal claimed Hurricane Katrina was "[an] instrument of God's mercy" that "wiped out rampant sin," and made similar controversial statements about the Virginia Tech massacre. Real news publications don't insert the word "alleged" in front of global warming, as the fake news story you linked to did. The real question and debate is over the severity and ramifications.
(b) There's nothing new about Joe Bastardi's
stance on global warming. He has regularly (and reasonably) questioned whether current significant weather events are caused by global warming, as some question. But Joe is a forecaster (and a marketer), not a scientist, and his forecasting methodology has always been controversial. Global warming is not his area of expertise, and his opinions add little to the scientific dialog.
Interesting and straightforward? Hardly. (No offense -- but as I've said before, this stuff really doesn't belong on DCSki.)
Oh, dang, I thought it was called OneNewSnow. I was wondering why they hadn't mentioned the Whitetail expansion yet!

Say Scott, would a site called OneNewSnow be relevant for DCSki???

Oh, dang, I thought it was called OneNewSnow. I was wondering why they hadn't mentioned the Whitetail expansion yet!

Say Scott, would a site called OneNewSnow be relevant for DCSki???
That's how I parsed it the first time, too.

I'm staying out of this one...
Except to say.... Scott... You Da Man!
I'm staying out of this one...
Except to say.... Scott... You Da Man!
Uh huh. You can add GW to the forbidden discussion topics at family gatherings as well. And I thought politics and religion were bad. We almost had WW III at the last picnic when someone started yapping about how the polar bears were becoming extinct... sheesh!
So, Kim, if I'm ever around your family it's probably best I not raise the issue of
Iorek Byrnison for President then?
the "disprove darwin" banner plus related story titles like :
Gas prices climb as liberals twiddle thumbs
The gospel and the Olympics
Americans taxed to fund abortions
etc were a dead give-away to turn my "ignore this" control on 10 .
....roger, Roger.

It's amazing how many "seemingly intellegent" folks take what they read on the web as gospel. Only here on DC Ski can one be assured that everything's above board.

Action speak louder than words, to wit: the meeting between certain countries this week in Greenland on how to divvy up the Arctic seabed as the area becomes "increasingly accessible" to exploitation.
Action speak louder than words, to wit: the meeting between certain countries this week in Greenland on how to divvy up the Arctic seabed as the area becomes "increasingly accessible" to exploitation.
Yes, you should have been there. Polar bear-b-que is really tasty!

I was just there trying to buy a small island currently under about 50 feet of ice. It's my hedge in case the ice age doesn't come so that I can still build Margaritagrass. Either Panama City or north of Baffin Island, one of them is bound to work out!
The corpulent lady with the beard who keeps company with King Neptune hasn't sung on that subject yet... The news on the meeting just showed up. Wait for the reaction.
Global Warming IS real. The ice fields WILL be GONE in a few years. ALL of US need to DO SOMETHING about it SOON. I blame the EXTENSIVE logging at BLUE KNOB for ALL of the PROBLEMS.
Sorry Scott, I just couldn't resist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As the Mountain Masher once said, "I'll be back".
I've been a fool time groupie Travlin around to all of Barack Obama's Fund raisers...the faintings are taking a toll on my Ski Knees though!
I think a good Global warming song would be "Ice..Ice Baby" By Vanilla Ice..Wouldn't it?..Since he has vanished..
Kwill has pushed past my post count...He is such a Bastardi!
How do you know when you are at a Gay Party?......When all the Hot Dogs taste like Crap!.....Thanks for asking about my whereabouts Mr. Smith..I'm sure Scott appreciates that...Luv ya'all!
PS.. only 2 lonely Stars for me now??? Man..I'm Fading like the Polar Bear..the Ice Cap.. MPC & "Almost Heaven"..George Bush..."Its over Johnny!"
Long time, no argue, Fish. Funny, my wife calls me the same thing weather I deserve it or not. Uh, that gay joke is really, uh, gay. Do you like PBR to go with your PBB?
Fisnkski and kwillg remarks are botn very inappropriate. I don't think DCSki web site is the proper place to vent your bigotry against anyone.
Fisnkski and kwillg remarks are botn very inappropriate. I don't think DCSki web site is the proper place to vent your bigotry against anyone.
humor (hymr)
1. The quality that makes something laughable or amusing; funniness: could not see the humor of the situation.
2. That which is intended to induce laughter or amusement: a writer skilled at crafting humor.
3. The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd. See Synonyms at wit1.
I don't think DCSki web site is the proper place to vent your bigotry against anyone.
How would you know? You have only made 9 posts............

I'm a lurker, sometimes because I find some comments here to be inappropriate and you have some people that enjoy ridiculing others. You guys here fight and take your differences personally. It is not good. It may be funny to you but being hurtful to others isn't funny. Just makes you look ignorant.
This is an awesome website and one that provides a lot of information. But many of the discussions here are out of place or end up out of place. If you think you're funny or humorous because you ridicule someone, you have some growing up to do.
Fisnkski and kwillg remarks are botn very inappropriate. I don't think DCSki web site is the proper place to vent your bigotry against anyone.
humor (hymr)
1. The quality that makes something laughable or amusing; funniness: could not see the humor of the situation.
2. That which is intended to induce laughter or amusement: a writer skilled at crafting humor.
3. The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd. See Synonyms at wit1.
Ullr, at the risk of offending you and ruining the entire upcoming season, i must say you sense of sarcasm is humeris, i must however to defend the honor of us not nordic gawds, the silent majorius........
I, Jimmy, Challenge you to a ski off.
I'll meat you at the ski area of u choice, we'll drink PBR and eat Kosher Hot Dogs until we are both oversuitably fortified and then we'll gnar the shed, i mear shed the gnarliest, we'll ski laps til only one of us remains upstandin on our skis. You do not scare me you big sarcastic bully in fact now that i've gathered my courage i'm still quite upset by the way you left the MidAtlantic down last year.
Will you accept my challenge????
Your humble subject,
S - we're a sort of hyper bunch (like fighter-pilots) that likes forceful banter sometimes - it gets out of hand, but there are no real pugilists here. It's more like " - can you top this ?! "
u should be @ some of my software developer meetings when we do group code-fixing ... that nearly gets as crazy as here!
J - a little early to start hittin' the bottle, isn't it ... oh ooopppss my bad way past 9:30 am - gee wish i could join ya - heh!
Ya E with the price of gas approachin the cost of a litre o vodka sometimes i gets confused..... noticed that someone bagged two o my starz, fishnski i thinks there's a junta afoote
Hey guys, ignoring it or making light doesn't make it go away. This last fishnski remark and the other comment were totally out of line. I lurk here because I'm busy and don't want to get in useless banter. But this time some of you crossed the line.
Three or four months ago fishnski made remarks about lbotta's ethnicity that were disgusting. Now it's gays. Covering up the insults to someon's dignity isn't going to make it go away. Maybe for you it's normal. I think it's sick.
You can banter and go out of line but you don't have to end up crossing the bounds of common decency. And the two remarks in question did that.
Shoeskier, please don't take it seriously, it's the internet after all. And on top of that, I can tell you that these guys are joking around almost 100% of the time. In fact, if they said something serious it would probably take me a minute to recognize it.
By the way jimmy, I want in on the PBR contest.
Hi 219. Yes I take it seriously. Very seriously. It is the internet but this site is not the way to throw demeaning remarks against people. And if they're joking and that makes it OK for you, man you're wrong. Why don't you start making N-word jokes, since you're joking? Some of the posters here have foreign wifes, why don't we joke about that? And how about the members from WV? I don't hear jokes about them either. Just because it is normal for someone here to insult someone's ethnic background or sex orientation? This is a ski site, for god's sake, not an aryan nation poster board.
Another poster commented on how the programmers bantered and went out of line in arguments. I bet they don't make as insulting comments on female's attributes the same way they do here against other people. They'd be out on their A**
C'mon. I thought we had made progress since the 1964 civil rights act. Apparently I'm wrong.
Fisnkski and kwillg remarks are botn very inappropriate. I don't think DCSki web site is the proper place to vent your bigotry against anyone.
humor (hymr)
1. The quality that makes something laughable or amusing; funniness: could not see the humor of the situation.
2. That which is intended to induce laughter or amusement: a writer skilled at crafting humor.
3. The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd. See Synonyms at wit1.
Ullr, at the risk of offending you and ruining the entire upcoming season, i must say you sense of sarcasm is humeris, i must however to defend the honor of us not nordic gawds, the silent majorius........
I, Jimmy, Challenge you to a ski off.
I'll meat you at the ski area of u choice, we'll drink PBR and eat Kosher Hot Dogs until we are both oversuitably fortified and then we'll gnar the shed, i mear shed the gnarliest, we'll ski laps til only one of us remains upstandin on our skis. You do not scare me you big sarcastic bully in fact now that i've gathered my courage i'm still quite upset by the way you left the MidAtlantic down last year.
Will you accept my challenge????
Your humble subject,
I HAVE reviewed your challenge and although I feel you ARE totally unworthy, I will ACCEPT. THE location WILL be BLUE KNOB, and the challenge WILL include the SENSLESS destruction of NUMEROUS saplings as WELL. We WILL each ski with a chain saw STRAPPED to our backs. YOU must drive to the ski area in a vehicle that GETS no more then 14mpg.
Please advise.
And to Snowshoe skier, I will try to be as polite as possible, these are really good people and you should get to know them first. I can assure you nothing was meant by it. However, if you cannot overlook it, I understand. There are many other skiing related websites that you may find more to your taste. Although, I hope you stay and give it a chance. I will go out on a limb here and invite you to
Jimmy's 1st Annual Ski Off and Senseless Logging Weekend at Blue Knob
Hey, this might be a first. Has anyone ever hijacked a global warming thread to discuss how PC our jokes should be?
Crush I used to work on an energy trading floor, and before that with a non-union construction crew (summer work, undergrad). I'd be interested to see which of us has worked in a less sensitive environment! Though, to be fair, probably one of the worst people I've ever worked with was a recent boss, who once asked one of his junior staff if she could "bake more" because all the other women baked a lot and she didn't. The difference between this clod and the energy traders and eletrical workers though, was that the latter two knew they were joking, the former was just a pathetic joke. He was eventually fired, surprisingly not for being a walking lawsuit however.
Some of the posters here have foreign wifes, why don't we joke about that? And how about the members from WV? I don't hear jokes about them either. Just because it is normal for someone here to insult someone's ethnic background or sex orientation? This is a ski site, for god's sake, not an aryan nation poster board.
Another poster commented on how the programmers bantered and went out of line in arguments. I bet they don't make as insulting comments on female's attributes the same way they do here against other people. They'd be out on their A**
C'mon. I thought we had made progress since the 1964 civil rights act. Apparently I'm wrong.
Ok, I'll go 1st. My wife is a blonde!
What's the mating call of the blonde?
A: "I'm *sooo* drunk!"
Q: What is the mating call of the ugly blonde?
A: (Screaming) "I said: I'm drunk!"

Quick, someone else jump in!
Oh, and for you Mountaineers:
Q: What do a tornado and a West Virginia divorce have in common?
A. Someone always loses a trailer!
Now come on, that one's darn funny...............
I'll add my vote to Shoeskier.
It is nice for some to be able to make jokes about someone else. Makes you feel good.
As a military commander, I have put people in the slammer for ethnic jokes, following which came a discharge. As a civilian government official, I have dismissed people for doing the same. And I firmly believe that professing ethic jokes is a demonstration of unsuitability for government employment or contract service. Ethnic or other jokes directed at someone for their state of being, demonstrate immaturity and have no place in civilized society.
If you want to run around saying ethnic or sexist jokes, there are plenty of other sites for that. This is a ski website.
Ok, no more jokes I promise.
Are West Virginians and ethnic group?
I'll add my vote for more west virginia jokes........
The owner of a ski resort in West Virginia was confused about paying an invoice, so he decided to ask his secretary for some mathematical help. He called her into his office and said, "You graduated from West Virginia University and I need some help. If I were to give you $20,000, minus 14%, how much would you take off?" The secretary thought for a moment, then replied "Everything but my earrings."
Ullr, i am unworthy, the chainsaw is a twist that i admit i did not anticipate. Being a west virginia native i still feel unworthy but somehow qualified to accept your modification to my challenge, i have no fear of mixing PBR (kindof regret not specifying a mason jar of everclear tho) KHD and chainsaws on a ski slope in Pennsylvania. I do agree that Blue Knob provides an appropriate setting for this challenge. Skier219 as far as i'm concerned you are in, WUT kind of chainsaw do you have.
Reading this thread is pretty close to watching a train wreck.
Andy, dude, chill.
On to some less serious matters and somewhat skiing related ...
THE location WILL be BLUE KNOB, and the challenge WILL include the SENSLESS destruction of NUMEROUS saplings as WELL. We WILL each ski with a chain saw STRAPPED to our backs.
Chainsaw would be redundant. I've skied with Jimmy. He puts a pretty good hurt on our rooted CO2 breathing friends without need of any mechanical assistance. Plus one of his cig butts tossed from the chairlift is liable to burn down the whole forest.

I just don't want to pi$$ Lou off. So, if he is offended, I will stop. And sorry I forgot to put it in my other post, Craig, you are more then welcome to attend any type of PBR challenge.
I have admitted many times to you all about how stupid I am & how I am not worthy of posting here. I now know the meaning of the Joke that I posted..I had heard it at work but I did not understand it but with everyone laughing so hard I figured it was good so I posted it...I'm sorry if it offended anyone!
I am half Norwegian & my Norwegian father abused us kids with his endless cutdowns of our people thru his Norski this day he continues...I feel so worthless & Lame..Maybe he is to Blame?
Ibotta Has Brought up my upbringing & has ruthlessly let me know of the class of people me & my folks are...he has reminded me of my lack of inteligence...He is so is Soooo painful..I deserve it maybe?..I'm Soo Confused...
I know a great West Virginia Joke Told to me by a West Virginian in a West Virginia Bar But I now know thanks to Snowshoeskier that posting it would be wrong..So thanks for your wisdom & now I ask for your understanding as to why I am this way...10/4 good buddy??!.....
Wow, I'm totally in awe of the inability of some to make light of comments where no there was no offence intended. Perhaps it was my calling a g@^ joke bad by using the g@^ word. If mr/mrs/ms shoeski takes offence to that word in particular, I appologize. One never knows that certain verbage can set off a hot button until the button is pushed. I have never thought of that word as being inappropriate since 60,000 fans sing the "good old song" everytime UVA scores a touchdown. Perceptions, I guess. The people on this board are some of the best that I have beome aquainted with over the years. We talk food, sking, boarding, resorts, trips, owners, beer, bumps, whales, swaps (skis not wives), and occasionally we like humor along with a little GW, Owl Gore, and "W" thrown in. Sometimes it can be a little rough but nobody really takes it seriously. If you would lurk a little more you would see that. Good golly, gee willikers, and shucks, my wife used to be blonde too until she dyed her hair gray. BTW, I come from good WV stock. My grandpappy brewed some of the best hooch, and I once lived in a trailer so I can really appreciate the finer things in life. However, I no longer swill PBR.
Fishnski, try this one (it made me laugh heavily)
An old cowboy sat down at Starbucks and ordered a cup of coffee.
As he sat sipping his coffee, a young woman sat down next to him.
She turned to the cowboy and asked, "Are you a real cowboy?"
He replied, "Well, I've spent my whole life breaking colts, working cows, going to rodeos, fixing fences, pulling calves, bailing hay, doctoring calves, cleaning my barn, fixing flats, working on tractors and feeding my dogs, so I guess I am a cowboy."
She said, "I'm a lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking about women. As soon as I get up in the morning, I think about women. When I shower, I think about women. When I watch TV, I think about women. I even think about women when I eat. It seems everything makes me think of women."
The two sat sipping in silence.
A little later a man sat down on the other side of the old cowboy and asked, "Are you a real cowboy?"
He replied, "I always thought I was, but I just found out I'm a lesbian."
kwillg6, I'm sorry if I seemed POd but indeed I was. Like Shoeskier said, and I think I reiterated, jokes meant to offend, indeed do, even if the originator doesn't think so.
Not too different from bullying. And the psychology of bullying contains as one its pillars, the poking fun at others' differences in a derrogatory manner. And we should look at offensive jokes in the same way that bullying has received attention in our body politic.
As far as WV, for the better part of 9 years, I dedicated my life to help folks who are victims of disasters and about 4 of those were spent in WV on non-stop disasters. I have a deep, deep respect for the people of WV. And I think national policy on just about everything - natural resources, labor, energy, education.. whatever - can be misapplied and hurts the folks who can least be hurt. And I do take severe umbrage at the 'ole WV jokes. Because even in the lightest fun, they perpetuate a stereotype that is both out of place, and amply derrogatory to its people. Whether we like it or not, oftentimes that national policy on issues that hurt poor folks in WV is based on the same stereotypes that seemingly innocuous jokes are based on. It's a domino effect that perpetuates itself.
In the same way, derrogatory comments about ethnicity, sex, or sexual orientation are energized and perpetuated. The expression "It's so gay" is as petulant, disrespectful and henous as any.
Believe me, I DO have a sense of humor. I tend to be self-depracating. But I can't find the fun about hurtful comments towards anyone. Part of the golden rule.
In the same way, derrogatory comments about ethnicity, sex, or sexual orientation are energized and perpetuated. The expression "It's so gay" is as petulant, disrespectful and henous as any.
Sorry, Lou. According to your definition I'm a biggot, which couldn't be further from the truth. Tolerance flows both ways in any situation. I'm acutely aware of steriotypical lables and what they mean. I'm also aware that we, as a society, have come a long way in political correctness but have a long way yet to go. However, I don't feel that any comment made has had the remote intent of crossing the line of bullying, degrading a specific heritage, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. I accept your views and opinions on this and other PC issues as your right. You are entitled to bring issues as such to our attention if you believe they are out of line and I have no problem in hearing it out. If I ever have the chance

I'd buy you a beer, and discuss the day's skiing. I just don't have the same passion as you and shoeskier do on this issue.
OK Kim, peace.
You'll buy me a beer
I'll buy you a beer
You buy me a beer
I'll buy you a beer
You'll buy me a beer
I'll buy you a beer
You buy me a beer
I'll buy you a beer
When will we have time to discuss skiing then?

At 1st I had a good laugh at that Joke Mr. Smith but then I remembered that I was Born in Stillwater,OK & was raised by Cowboys & my Sister is Gay...So I am Offended.........But then I reread the joke & concluded that Cowboys are animal molesters so I'm glad God made them Dumb!...As far as Lesbians go...well, have I got a joke for you!....Wait a min..JohnL told me to chill......I'm Chillin..I'm Chillin..I don't need no more instead of righten what I'm fillin, I'll just chill from all this Illin....I think I'm Hillin!!!....Peace......
I'm proud to call myself an Alppalacian American
Wow, I haven't check in here in a few days. Man have I been missing out....Last time I looked at this thread Scott just chimed in about losing the GW talk. I guess you guys managed to lose it alright....
Oh yeah, about the WV jokes....
Threads like this help in deciding who you want to meet with in person. share some turns and a few beers. Some of y'all are way too serious for me. Good to know.
Andy and Kim, you both are more then welcome to come to the 1st Annual Mountain Masher Memorial Tree Kill / PBR Ski Off.
Oh, SS Skier, I have just one link for you, to be offended!
Look me up over there sometime (ski3 p o)
Ullr..AHHhhhhhh What a breath of fresh air you are..I think I love you man(you drink Bud lite?)...David is Sweet too but he is getting Married..what a shame!...anyway peace to joke was a little crude...
No problem bro. I know you like to fish, do you hunt? If so, I am makin me a fresh batch of WV coondogs this weekend
Want one?

I Just got back from fishin & I'm Sunfried & Frenchfried & I CK Out That Pic & I'm Just sittin here Flabergasted!..How in the Heck???...Anyway I'm Thinking about Dumping Fishing off a gas Guzzzlin ain't practical anymore. This Post could cross thread with the gas talk thread.
How much does 12-- 14 to 22 inch blue & Spanish Mackerel cost after chasin them down using $90 worth of Gas??!?...I havn't Hunted since I got lost Squirrel Hunting years back.....Maybe its time for a comeback!........Huntnski might be my new name...Wait a Minute...How Bout Surffishnski?..Pierfishnski...Stay Tuned!
PS..That pic got a good laugh out of Betterhalfski there Ullr!
Dude, as the owner of a gay coondog I am vary offended by this picture...
Why, the dog is a female!!!!
This is how we make a good coondog round these parts.
1/2 coon, 1/2 dog.................
What's your receipe??

Whooooa........ that's tough to top, er... bottom. All this time I thought a doggie stork brought em.
Threads like this help in deciding who you want to meet with in person. share some turns and a few beers. Some of y'all are way too serious for me. Good to know.
Andy and Kim, you both are more then welcome to come to the 1st Annual Mountain Masher Memorial Tree Kill / PBR Ski Off.
Ullr, if in order to meet you or socialize with you I have to listen to ethnic or racial jokes, you're not worth meeting.
I didn't realize the dog was female....but as a owner of another coondog who is in a bi-racial relationship with a groundhog I am still vary offended by this picture...
Threads like this help in deciding who you want to meet with in person. share some turns and a few beers. Some of y'all are way too serious for me. Good to know.
Andy and Kim, you both are more then welcome to come to the 1st Annual Mountain Masher Memorial Tree Kill / PBR Ski Off.
Ullr, if in order to meet you or socialize with you I have to listen to ethnic or racial jokes, you're not worth meeting.
Don't put words in my mouth, didn't say it. When I am skiing I like to have have fun, not hang with buzzkills looking to be offended. Take life a little less seriously, the US is filled with victims, sorry you feel like you are one of them. Just lookin to hang with a bunch of guys who don't think that jokes about "West Virginian Americans" should be punished under our hate crime laws..............
I didn't realize the dog was female....but as a owner of another coondog who is in a bi-racial relationship with a groundhog I am still vary offended by this picture...
Point well taken. In honor of all those who love the great resort of Snowshoe, I have enrolled myself in sensitivity classes, and I apologize to all bi-racial "Coondog Americans".
Threads like this help in deciding who you want to meet with in person. share some turns and a few beers. Some of y'all are way too serious for me. Good to know.
Andy and Kim, you both are more then welcome to come to the 1st Annual Mountain Masher Memorial Tree Kill / PBR Ski Off.
Ullr, if in order to meet you or socialize with you I have to listen to ethnic or racial jokes, you're not worth meeting.
WOW for a Four Star poster ur not TOO bright. You don't have to listen to any BAD jokes or anything that might offend you, just show up at /BLUEKNOB and drink some pbr AND eat some hotdogs, u DO like hotdogs and BEER, don't YOU?? You don't even HAVE to bring a chainsaw to sTRAP on u back because i'm sure someone will LOAN you one, that's the way us dcskiers are. Oh but wait, in one of your 13 THOUGHTFUL Posts you accused us of being a bunch of Aryans, maybe ULLR will agree to substitute brats and SOUR Kraut for the Kosher Hot Dogs? Doesn't matter to me.
Hey! Wait a minute! Since Cheney has officially insulted then appologized for insulting West Virginians and since he is a distant relation to Obamma what does that make him???? He hunts, and I bet he uses a coondog when he shoots his friends as well.
In the words of the great JohnL.....Train kept a-rollin.....WRECK!!!
Skier219 as far as i'm concerned you are in, WUT kind of chainsaw do you have.
Heh, funny you should ask. I have an ancient Poulan that refuses to start every 3-4 years when I need it for something. Last try was on Saturday when I needed to cut a bunch of landscape timbers, and once again no-go. The saw doesn't even work when I move it back and forth and make put-put noises with my mouth (I think that qualifies as a polish lumberjack joke, so apologies to anyone offended).
And do you know what the best part of this is?
My Grandma Sosnowski would have thought that was funny (as do I).
You're in.
Hey! Wait a minute! Since Cheney has officially insulted then appologized for insulting West Virginians and since he is a distant relation to Obamma what does that make him???? He hunts, and I bet he uses a coondog when he shoots his friends as well.
Yeah, what's up with that? Normally I could care less when people crack on my state (most of this thread). I guess as long as I know it is in good fun. When people I don't like, such as Dick Shoot Em Up Cheney, do it then I get upset.
Oh yeah,
Q. What is the West Virginia state flower?
A. The satallite dish!
A West Virginian hitchhiker was picked up by a guy in a big Lincoln Continental. The West Virginian noticed a bunch of golf tees on the front seat and asked, "What are those things for?" The driver said, "They're to hold my balls while I drive." "Boy," exclaimed the West Virginian, "these Lincoln Continentals have everything, don't they?"