Bike to Work Day next friday! (5/16)
May 16, 2008
here's an official linky for the DC area, tho its a national thing. its a win/win scenario in my book. Save gas, employers should be lenient with arrival and departure time, and its good for keepin the ole stumps in shape in the skiing off season
I'm down for this and hope to collect a free t-shirt at the Crystal City check point that morning.
Great idea... May see you there, Jim. Spring through Fall, I bike to work about 75% of the time. The idea of having a bike to work day is an excellent one - but the real significance of this commemoration is that hopefully it will change mindsets - paradigms of transportation. This will hopefully incentivize people to start using the bicycle as their primary commuting means. For anyone living within 10 miles of their work site, this is a distinct possibility.
I live 17 miles from work, a straight shot up rt28 (centreville->sterling) but biking it is a little longer because Rt28 is a deathtrap on a bike! but im able to take Stringfellow rd -> FFX county parkway -> WO&D trailhead in Reston and cut over to sterling on it. Bike paths the entire way! hope its not raining friday
I live 17 miles from work, a straight shot up rt28 (centreville->sterling) but biking it is a little longer because Rt28 is a deathtrap on a bike! but im able to take Stringfellow rd -> FFX county parkway -> WO&D trailhead in Reston and cut over to sterling on it. Bike paths the entire way! hope its not raining friday
OH.... Is there a bike trail along the Fairfax County Parkway?
OH.... Is there a bike trail along the Fairfax County Parkway?
yeah on the northbound side from rt66 to rt7. there is a fairly new CCT trail (cross-county connector trail) that runs from 95south below the mixing bowl somewhere all the way to greatfalls! it mostly links already existing trails thru parks together. sweet idea!
Thanks for the info!!! That would make a 50-mile loop on a Saturday a fairly easy thing. Just bought a new bike and plan to use it.
It was pretty soggy, but I rode in today and got my Bike to Work t-shirt at the Crystal City check point. This is the kind of rainy day I will usually opt for mass transit. I have admiration for those who cycle in any weather.