Deer Valley was built on the premise of being the most opulent ski area in the US, and they have delivered on that promise. Expensive, yes; but what service, mid-day grooming, great terrain, fast lifts, the food (oh the cafe food - this is a ski area?), etc. I vividly remember my first visit and driving to the mountain base, pulling up to the curb in front of the lodge, and having my car swarmed on by green jacketed DV employees taking the ski equipment off the roof rack and carrying it a little way to a temp. storage facility by the lower lift. Heaven forbid that I, a CUSTOMER, had to carry my own equipment. And when you finished booting up, the attendant handed you your skis by the lift. There was a time when here in the east such an act might have evoked a counter attack against the people trying to "steal" your skis. By the way, one of the problems with the Park City resorts late in the season, and at a lower base elevation, is the warmer temps. Part of this though is the simple fact that the sun is higher and out longer than in the dead of winter.
The Colonel