Salt Lake/MidVale + Park City
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DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort
March 17, 2008
Member since 12/25/2002 🔗
183 posts

Milking one more trip out of this winter (payback for last year's no ski).

Going to the tried and true BWEI in MidVale Utah. Have 5 days. Will definitely redo da Bird, Alta, Brighton or Solitude.

But I'm thinking of trying out Park City or the Canyons. None of us plan on renting a car. Is it possible to get there from MidVale sans car for a day?

If we rent a van for a day... is it a doable trip? Worthwhile?

Advice would be appreciated.

Also... I'm going to demo some powder skis... anyone got a favorite ski shop near that BWEI? (Best Western Executive Inn)

The Colonel
March 17, 2008
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
3,110 posts
There's a ski shop at the entrance to Big Cottonwood Canyon that has been top notch with great spring ski prices.
The Colonel \:\)
JimK - DCSki Columnist
March 18, 2008
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
3,014 posts
There is bus service between Park City and Alta/Bird, but not sure about vice versa or from Midvale to Park City. Believe PC-A/B bus is about $30 per rdtrp. Probably renting car/van would be cheaper. What would make it worth going to Park City is if you plan to stay there and eat dinner, shop, and apres-ski before returning to sleep in Midvale. The Park City strip makes for a pretty nice stroll. Travel distance is only about an hour one way.
March 18, 2008
Member since 02/22/2007 🔗
596 posts
with only 5 days I wouldn't even bother trying to ski anywhere else but alta/bird \:\) the cottonwoods will have much better snow, terrain and vibes. and this time of year, unless its a powder day, you'll have the place to yourself especially during the week.
March 18, 2008
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
I've become a big fan of Brighton. It's pretty easy to get around there and they have a nice combo of trees, trails and wide open slopes. Unless you're planning to "to stay there and eat dinner, shop, and apres-ski before returning to sleep in Midvale" i'd not go to the hassle but that's just me i'd ski snowbird for five days if i *had* to.
March 18, 2008
Member since 12/25/2002 🔗
183 posts

I totally dig the Bird and Alta. (And Brighton and Solitude for that matter)

I've been out there 3 times now and was thinking of doing some reconaissance on Park City for a future trip. Also, I'm meeting a couple buds from high school and they bringing along their significant others. I was thinking the chicks might wanna hang in the village area while we all ski.

Mainly, I just want to figure out if it's a ridiculous hassle to get there from MidVale. And which, if any, of the places there is worth it? Canyons? PC? Deer Valley?

I am so fired up that the 7 day forecast is now creeping into our ski time there. I can sit at my computer for the next 168 hours to get the updates until i'm there!

March 18, 2008
Member since 12/19/2007 🔗
404 posts

Will be in Park City week of 24th. Planning to ski Park City Mountain on Monday and Deer Valley on Tuesday and Wed. Leaving Thu and Fri flexible...maybe Brighton or maybe Canyons. etc.

I will try to log in each day. If you want to know crowds and conditions in Park City PM me and I will answer if I can.

March 19, 2008
Member since 12/25/2002 🔗
183 posts

Thanks a lot! That's one of the great aspects of dcski... the wide net of eyes and ears.

Wed. will be our first day out. Prolly go to either Alta or Brighton (depends on if the GFs are skiing)

JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
March 19, 2008
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,566 posts
I've been to Utah well over 10 times this past decade. My advice for future trips: rent the cheapest 2WD car that will hold your entire group. Cost per person is negligible and you get soooo much more freedom to explore a bit, especially in Salt Lake City. If it snows, then take the bus up to the ski areas.

From Midvale, The Canyons is less than an hour drive (nearly all highway.) Very easy trip and the road up to the Park City area is a lot less affected by snow/avi closure than are the roads up to the Cottonwoods. Although it is a major trucking route, and you do get the occasional serious truck accident snarling traffic in that area. Enterprise may be a good choice for a one day rental since they'll pick you up (there is a location pretty close to Midvale.) I recommend either The Canyons or Deer Valley (no boarders allowed at DV.) Despite the cushy ref, Deer Valley has some nice terrain and you can often find freshies when the other areas near Salt Lake are skied off. Get discount tickets at Canyon Sports or The Lift House.

Rentals: the place that The Colonel mentioned is the Lift House (1/2 block west of the mouth of the Big Cottonwood Canyon on Fort Union Drive.) Canyon Sports is about 1-2 miles west of the Lift House, also on Fort Union. Both are quality places and should have some decent upper end gear (I've bought skis from the Lift House and have rented from Canyon Sports.) Canyon Sports is an on-demand stop for many of the BCC, LCC bus routes that head up Fort Union. Traveling by bus, easiest rental option with likely the widest selection is probably at Alta itself. Gold Miner's Daughter, the building where you get your lift tickets at the GMD base (name?) and The Deep Powder House are options that I know of. (DPH is on the access road between the GMD and Albion bases. On skis, you can best get there by taking the main surface lift halfway between the bases and then taking a second surface lift up the hill to the road.)

Myself and others who attended the Epic gathering are pretty familiar with a lot of the eats on Fort Union (will need some form of transportation.) Heading east from the Trax station:

  • Bohemian Brewery - excellent brews and food. The Goulash was recommended by a local.
  • Famous Dave - BBQ
  • Lone Star Taqueira - just west of 2300, has a station wagon out front plastered with stickers and a shark's fin on top. Small dive, but excellent fish tacos and burritos.
  • Porcupine - above the Lift House. Recommended by Tromano and the Mrs.

The Bayou(?), ~600 State Street in Downtown SLC is another place I'd recommend. Amazing selection of beer and some great Cajun cooking. It's a club, so one of you will have to join. Comprex, do I have the name right?

For Park City, be advised that many of the good restaurants require reservations. Plan ahead.
March 26, 2008
Member since 12/25/2002 🔗
183 posts

Went to Canyon Ski shop. We actually WALKED there last nite (buses don't really seem to run after 5pm). A dufus there assured us they were open til 9p. We got there at 8:20p, lights out and sign saying late season hours were only til 8p.

Less than pleased. But went back today (had the bus back from snowshoe drop us off). I talked with the manager about our hourlong fruitless trek. He gave us half off our rentals. So tomorrow i try Salomon X Screams (i think that's the one). And think i'll try some volkl ac30s or 40s on Friday.

We hoping for some snow tonite.


Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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