Conditions at Snowshoe today
March 11, 2008
A cold, clammy, wet, rainy, miserable day weather wise, awaited us this morning. After 1000, the misty day became a mix of rain, sleet, snow, and freezing rain, as the temperature climbed into the upper 30s and changed into cold, bone chilling rain.
My new Spyder outfit was invincible in the soggy day. I was as dry as a desert rock in Phoenix AZ. However, my Hotfingers gloves became the weak (or wet) link in the chain and got soaked. After a trip to the Boathouse for some hot chocolate and several more runs, we all decided that weather discretion is the better part of valor and went inside.
Amazingly for a weekend day, we were literally alone on the slopes. Which meant the conditions remained steadily good until about 3 PM. There were some slush patches on Log Slide and Skidway, both green runs. It was actually hard to get speed to get to the lift. On the Blue category, we skied down Moonshine and Skipjack with no problem. The Black runs were the best today. Right off the Powder Monkey lift, Choker was a pleasure, same as Stemwinder. Off the Ballhooter lift, Grabhammer and Knot Bumper were in almost perfect shape, although Bumper had some thin spots at the highest point. However, 50 feet down from Ballhooter and a right turn into the Knot Bumper avoided the thin spot. Knot Bumper Glades were also pretty good. On to the old Widowmaker terrain, with Widowmaker manifesting its idiosyncratic thin spots whenever the weather isn't perfect. However, the Sawmill and the other two black runs were in pretty good shape, albeit with some rocks showing.
If the weather gets better and we get some snow, tomorrow promises to be a great day. If we can convince the college kids to stay off the slopes again, we'll have an even greater day....
If we can convince the college kids to stay off the slopes again, we'll have an even greater day....
Hey now.....

Half kidding, half serious, David. Today I met some outstanding young people on the slopes on their break. Bought about 12 beers for them at the Red Rover. However.... Our condo management expects about $2K worth of damage to our common property tonight after the Spring Break college crowd returns from the bars. No reason why people can't act like people.
Amen to that Lou. I honestly don't get why throwing stuff into walls, through windows, or off balcony's is fun. Maybe I just have more than 10 brain cells left and look for more alternative and intense fun. You know, trying to survive a wipe out off of a double black... But then again that's just me.
Brad, good to see you back here posting. Are you going to be able to get up to Snowy Luau next weekend?
The Colonel

Brad, welcome back. Hope things are doing great for you
No damage at the condo as of this AM, although it required our resident manager to stay up all night quashing 3AM jamborees. The young crowd managed to spend their energy at the Connection where there were several incidents.
Today it was an amazing transformation. Woke up and decided not to ski. My family did though, and they came back for more substantial clothing... It was 46 degrees at 8 AM with misty rain and cold, clammy conditions. By 11 AM it was 32 degrees and snowing. Now at 4:30, it is 16 degrees, snowing, and the temperature is dropping like a rock. If it keeps on like that, it will be below zero by late evening. I like the snow though...
Get this: 46 degrees at 8 AM... 12 degrees and plummeting at 6 PM... Blinding snow and about a 40MPH wind. Winter wonderland
Well we just got back. Did Friday at Wintergreen and today at the The Shoe. Stayed at the braizenhead Inn lst night. It wasn't bad, but not great either. Wintergreen was ok in the morning, but man was that snow sofy & heavy. The fog rolled in around 1:30pm, so we headed to SS. Yea, the road being washed out through us for a loop. They say they are hoping to have it fixed during the off season. Hopfully, the snow tonight can tide them over till the end of the month, but man were there some bare spots out there! My kids got whacked by a couple of out of control college kids, but for the most part this was either at the top or the bottom of the runs, before they could get up too much speed. They were real nice and kept apologizing, so no harm no foul in my book. I saw one staight lining grabhammer totally out of control, as he went off into the dense morning fog, I thought I heard him go down. He was absolutly flying! I am sure he will feel it in the morning. As we left we saw lots of folks carrying their cases of bud around with them. We knew it was time to leave................
As we left we saw lots of folks carrying their cases of bud around with them. We knew it was time to leave................
That most likely was a member of the SkiNC messageboard crew. 120+ of them converged on Snowshoe last night and I'm guessing they had more than a few cases of Bud with them.

Yeah, a few of them in our condo complex. Our resident manager stayed up all night to prevent damage. Pretty irresponsible attitude by many of them. Speeding in the parking lot, Cooking Beer - Oops I mean Bud Light -- cans strewn around... so what's new?...
Last reading: 46 degrees at 8 AM. 8 degrees at 8:30 PM. Nice temperature drop, eh? Wind blowing, snow coming down.
Ditto at Tline today. 56 degrees at Noon. 15 degrees a hour ago. Lots of new snow.
c u@ the high speed detachquad @ 10 or 11 am? i'll be wearing a dark green ski hat, ski pants that look like jeans, and brown jacket with fur.
It's definitely good to be back. I've been a bit MIA dealing with getting the new house finished for my mom, living in temporary living quarters long past what I thought I would be, focusing on a few other issues in life. The usual. Also doing more IT contract work for the likes of Wal*Mart and other similar sized companies so... I've been going full throttle way too long without a break.
Unfortunately I won't be able to make it to the snowy luau, I'm leaving for Sanford North Carolina at 6am on the 15th and won't be back till around the 22nd or 23rd. Watch a 3 foot blizzard hit the mid-atlantic while I'm gone. All because I"m gone. lol
That most likely was a member of the SkiNC messageboard crew. 120+ of them converged on Snowshoe last night and I'm guessing they had more than a few cases of Bud with them
they're an interesting bunch. i was one of the original members a number of years ago, but don't bother posting over there anymore.
Definitely a wide range of conditions this past weekend at Snowshoe. I skied Friday and Sunday, both completely different. Mostly just lapped Cupp Run. It sure was a nice day on Sunday for my Volkl 5 stars...a mix of groomed hardpack and packed powder where the wind didn't scour.
Here's a video from FridaySkiing Camp 99 in the fog And picture from Sunday on Cupp Run 
Cupp and Shays were sweet today. Did them 8 times nonstop until I got bored. Conditions today were very very good.