EPIC Day at the BOAT
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February 6, 2008
Member since 12/8/2004 🔗
224 posts
I am currently at Steamboat, CO and will be here through Saturday. The past couple of days has be EPIC here! This is the first time that I've ever skied powder that friggan deep! I've hit some serious CHEST DEEP powder on the back side of the mountain (in the "Morningside Park" side. Yesterday me and a couple of guys from the Fredericksburg ski club went exploring one of the glades/bowls over on the left side of the mountain looking for fresh tracks. The only problem is that it started to sock in up on the mountain making visibility difficult. Just today, it was snowing so friggan hard that we could barely see a couple chairs ahead on the lift! One point, I could not even tell where the hill actually was - it was just solid white in front of me.

Now, I can see why people get so excited over skiing some big powder! At first, I thought I may have difficulty skiing through this stuff, but compared to the typical mash potatoes, East Coast Cement and slush we get in the Mid-Atlantic, this stuff was friggan easy and a huge joy to ski! I was banging down one run behind a local and he made a comment to me that I seemed to be handling really well. I told him the typical conditions I usually had to deal with and this is nothing! The only really bummer was that after skiing down the steep part of the run (with some serious face shots - could not even see where the heck I was going!), I got bogged down into some flats, which really sucked trying to get out of.

It is snowing to beat hell right now as I am typing this, so I could only imagine what will be greeting me tomorrow morning!

I need to get more pics (I really wish I had one of myself skiing through that really deep stuff), but here is one I took Sunday one one of the black runs when it was really starting to snow hard:
The Colonel
February 6, 2008
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
3,110 posts
Enjoy....Skier219 and I met up at Alta, Ut about two weeks ago and had similar conditions. When we arrived the base was ONLY 105 true inches at mid mountain, today it is over 150 inches.
What snow!! What skiing! Looking forward to your pictures!!
Are you going to try to get to Snowy Luau this year?
The Colonel \:\)
February 6, 2008
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
Very Nice. It is posts like this that keep me motivated to hurry up and get out of school so I can finance several trips a year just like this. Glad you are having an Epic trip. Thanks for posting. Can't wait to see some more pics!!!
February 6, 2008
Member since 12/8/2004 🔗
224 posts
As of today, they are saying they got 350 inches of snow! It is dark now, but I'll have to take a picture right outside the balcony. You should see the snow that is on the roofs of the buildings around here! There gotta be a good four feet of snow just on some of the roofs here!

Here is another picture. I thought this was a neat shot looking through the lifts into the valley below:

Oh what the hell - might as well throw this one in as well:

February 6, 2008
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
1,283 posts
.. so like if you can't see, whynotski ?

actually,ionlyskiabout10-20 meters in front of me .... if if u can't see, ski ! braille-skiing is such scary-fun! like wtf-was-that ?!?!?!?! heh chest-deep is best - dayum u can't even see all the #h!T u are skiing over. and then - then u can't see ant-thing in front either.

wintermute lives - my gnu project @ work. i have 2 write a SNV (subversion) tool that is easy to deploy via a web app - so i chose the Groovy programming language and Grails ... Groovy on Rails like Ruby Rails. It is most sublime! Like Python but built on Java, goes so fast! I wrote everything to-day very cool i highly recommend it.

PS - yeah Python programmers - totally stupid like they are all meta-meta-under-map-mailman-code_sprint weenies that .....


weenie wadding, totally barf- ho scabby segregated nocturnal-'noxious monkey moo-moo catalian arff arff potata-frieta coo-coo-woo0woooo hahoo my hoohoo nack nack rocks-onwater splashy speial woormy woo that eatshooy-monger fast-[censored] jumbo-poo and luvs it totally with salt


-----------> johnL

------!--------! jimmy Z

na Z!( Pegia Goudik) ^^^^^^^^

now wee-wee
ruckis she asks
i'm flossing my wee-wee
i can mulitTask


eGm 2008
February 7, 2008
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
PYthon snake

Drive snow drive drive
ski ski diggerdigger
big smile see
ski ski rain
drive drive snow blow
drive rain snow ski can see diggerdigger

utah snow gogogo


comprex situation
don't u no?

jimmyz no go rivers risin
ohio crest
tline best

Ski and Tell

Speak truth to powder.

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