Are Environmentalist trying to kill tourism is
2 posts
1 user
February 2, 2008
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
Scott.Lou brought up the fact that "The Saving Grace for the plains was immigration & the fact that we would have to speak Spanish there in the future"...What that had to do with this thread nobody knows.

Lou..I think you did respond..Didn't you? I Got you Figured out Buddy..You Got a few Joe Joes Here Fooled & Sucking up to you but as you sit up in your delux Apt in the sky Posting away I have noticed that you throw White this & white that around...Deep Down inside your Pride is hurt isn't it? You & Folks like you are ashamed & Resentful of the fact that "White America" was your ticket to success...It Gnaws at you...That & your little man got Issues Dude.

Heh Farten Dude..Before you Stick your head into Something..Get your facts Straight...otherwise Butt out..

Hey Lou..When you & your High faluting friends watch the Superbowl this Sun is it part of your Culture to jump up & yell with emotion or is that to far benieth you?..You watching the Bowl with your FEMA Buddies?.....Watch Out..Might be another Katrina Coming! all should have lost your jobs after that fiasco!

& Yes..Of course Environmentalist will kill Tourism if given a chance...
February 2, 2008
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
I will not read any more posts on this thread so that I don't have to respond to any defamation of my character out of respect to DCSKI.
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