Rant - Food Prices at Whitetail
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January 24, 2008
Member since 03/3/2005 🔗
142 posts
I think I ranted about this already last year but I am gonna do it again...

Last Friday night, I got a medium cup of Pepsi and a bag of chips. Total was almost $7.

I was shocked (again)!!

I was thinking... if Whitetail lower their prices to something more reasonable and realistic, wouldn't that generate more money, more sales?

If the prices were lower, I will be more inclined to buy my lunch/diner etc at the mountain. From what I see, most people bring in their own food because the prices are just plain ridiculous.

Maybe they don't have to lower anything as they get enough business already...

OTOH, the cashier told that most of the employees bring in their own lunch for the same reason. I am guessing that the employee discount on food is not that great.

At any rate, I am not buying anything at Whitetail if I can help it.
January 24, 2008
Member since 01/17/2005 🔗
423 posts

Think what the $7 would have got you at Costco or .... Deer Valley. Food and drinks at ski resorts are going to be expensive, but there are some deals to be had. At Whitetail, the Blue Plate special is a good deal (in Marketplace at the counter between the hamburgers and the chili). Marketplace has a decent water dispenser at the condiment counter. The wraps at Windows are not bad for the amount of food you get. Still, $7 for a small drink and chips seems a bit too high. I'll double check on that this weekend. It sometimes pays to check. I just got $200 back from Costco.
January 24, 2008
Member since 02/22/2007 🔗
596 posts
ever been to a skins game at fedex field?
Roger Z
January 24, 2008
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Sometimes the sit-down restaurants at ski areas have better deals. They usually have a clearly marked special or two, and their soups will come with several pieces of bread (for example), refills available on soda, things like that. Plus it's just more relaxing than the cafeteria game of musical chairs.

When we were at Copper Mountain last month, the sit-down place we ate at had a lunch special for eight dollars (lunch, not chips and a soda) plus draft beer was going for four bucks- which is bargain basement pricing for a ski area. I don't do beer at lunch though- my legs are bad enough in the afternoon without adding inebriation to it. \:\)

And while Deer Valley has very high lunch prices, their food is out of this world. Honestly, I don't mind paying ten dollars for lunch there. Their food is fresh and original and never has that "did they just microwave that" feeling you sometimes get when gnoshing on a hamburger (if a hamburger only costs 75 cents, that's one thing, but when it costs six or seven dollars and is lukewarm and dry and the lettuce is going brown, you get a little peeved).
January 24, 2008
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
You can get all you can eat ribs..with a doggie bag! at TL for $10 or so...Crab cakes full of crabmeat for 8 or 9 bucks...good stuff too! $8 dollar pichers of tasty home brews...a bowl of Chili for under 3 bucks that you can load up with onions cheese & Crackers!...The List Goes on! All that & Much more! + Time to digest it on the lift!.....Eat your heart out Ibotta!..How was that Food review??!
January 24, 2008
Member since 12/19/2002 🔗
998 posts
Umm... If all you want is a chip and and a soda, jsut stop at 711 and then drop the snacks off in a duffel shoved under a bench somewhere. $2.50.

I liked the food options at 7Springs. Almost everythign was really good for fairly cheap too. Two favorite places to eat are the cafeteria on the ground floor in the main lodge and the goggle. The main cafeteria always has really good specials which were large, filling and cheap. The Goggle has some interesting lunch sandwiches too for fair prices and is rarely crowded at lunch times even when the racer rat moms are colonizing the whole down stairs area. My favorite is the hot turkey with nacho cheeze on it, so good.

So far I think the place with the best cheapest food in UT is Beaver Mtn. Their burgers are $5-7 but are big, juicy, and really really good. Lunch for me and the wife has never been more tha $15 there. But really compared to DC prices none of the resorts in UT are really that bad.
January 24, 2008
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
You can get that at TL?? Last time I was up there I never saw that and just remember stale burgers and even staler buns.

 Originally Posted By: fishnski
You can get all you can eat ribs..with a doggie bag! at TL for $10 or so...Crab cakes full of crabmeat for 8 or 9 bucks...good stuff too! $8 dollar pichers of tasty home brews...a bowl of Chili for under 3 bucks that you can load up with onions cheese & Crackers!...The List Goes on! All that & Much more! + Time to digest it on the lift!.....Eat your heart out Ibotta!..How was that Food review??!
JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
January 25, 2008
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,566 posts
 Originally Posted By: bawalker
You can get that at TL?? Last time I was up there I never saw that and just remember stale burgers and even staler buns.

 Originally Posted By: fishnski
You can get all you can eat ribs..with a doggie bag! at TL for $10 or so...Crab cakes full of crabmeat for 8 or 9 bucks...good stuff too! $8 dollar pichers of tasty home brews...a bowl of Chili for under 3 bucks that you can load up with onions cheese & Crackers!...The List Goes on! All that & Much more! + Time to digest it on the lift!.....Eat your heart out Ibotta!..How was that Food review??!

Upstairs at Timbers?

Price is right, but the chili portions at T-Line at skimpy.

Chili or stew or soup is always a good option for me. Generally not too expensive, and it warms you up. Not too filling, either.
January 25, 2008
Member since 12/15/2004 🔗
230 posts
 Originally Posted By: crunchy
ever been to a skins game at fedex field?

NO KIDDING. After our tix ($110 each) Then parking ($35) alls that makes me happier is having to spend another $100+ minimum for a few beers and their $10 chicken strips. Oh and when its hot as hell and they charge $6 for a bottle water X 10 billion!!!
January 25, 2008
Member since 07/12/2004 🔗
2,352 posts
The best food in ski country is at Whitegrass Cafe. Reasonable prices too.
January 25, 2008
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
1,283 posts
hmm well i don't eat until i am done skiing ususally ... well maybe if they have wine then some chili like johnL said but that is about it ... so i rarely eat at whitetail - yeah man just bring your own food. and seriously, i bet it really doesn't make that huge amount of difference in sales if they raise or lower the price ... i mean oh yeah i go "damn, whitetail food is soooo expensive i'm gonna go to t-line and get food that's better prices" heh. besides, i figure they need the extra money to keep the place operational ... i seriously doubt they could run it all off of just lift ticket sales.
Roger Z
January 25, 2008
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
The best food in ski country is at Whitegrass Cafe. Reasonable prices too.

Ding ding ding we have a winner! No argument...

...maybe to clear matters up- what about at the lift-serviced resorts? \:\)
JohnL - DCSki Supporter 
January 26, 2008
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
3,566 posts
Spent 7 bucks today at Whitetail for some chicken chili that had huge hunks of chicken in it. Not too bad a deal for a ski area and it was as much food as I needed today. I did notice that the bottled drinks were pretty pricey, so I opted for water from the drinking fountain. It definitely pays to check out the prices before you decide what to get.
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