I can't speak to the timing/crowd factor, but I'll say that I was at Stowe 2 weeks ago, and I'm not sure it's a good green/blue mountain.
For one thing, the greens are all either far right, or far left, and the middle's pretty much all difficult blues and blacks. This means that if you want to ski blues and greens simultaneously, you've got to ride different lifts up, and meet again somewhere centrally (as opposed to riding up together and then running different trails to the bottom). Our group was mostly green + some blues, and spent most of the day skiing greens.
Stowe is absolutely gorgeous, but a lot of the best views are from the top of Mansfield, which leaves you only one green to get down (Toll Road). That drops you to the Toll House "beginners area" which is nice, but again, far removed from the rest of the mountain.
Stowe is also expensive, relative to some of the other options.
Personally, I've decided I won't go to ski Stowe again until I'm good enough to ski the main part of it, but I could be convinced to ski there on a powder day, since that makes everything a little friendlier.
I hear great things about Smuggler's Notch, which is actually the other side of the mountain from Stowe. I didn't ski it, but it's supposed to be a good time.
Personally, I had one of my most enjoyable skiing days ever at Bolton Valley, which is 20 minutes or so from Stowe. There are good chances to ride 1 lift, and take a few different ways down (although that may not be as important if you're planning to ski with your daughter the whole time), and the blues are very friendly. I've seen people complain that it's a "boring" mountain, but that's probably relative to places like Stowe, which I would classify as some place that I'm not good enough to ski the "exciting" stuff. I'd definitely give them a look...
Obviously, YMMV, but if you're going to ski a few days, maybe try Smugg's one day, Stowe another, or something like that...
I actually started a thread on EpicSki about that weekend. Some of the comments from other people might be helpful in your situation: