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oldensign - DCSki Columnist
December 20, 2007
Member since 02/27/2007 🔗
500 posts
The fly over country ski report

Welcome snow! The weather event that brought the wintry mix to the Mid Atlantic started its way across the Midwest. This time the snow/ rain line was about I-70 a bit farther south of last weeks I-80 line. Thus all but the most southern Midwest ski area did well.

Weather moderated a bit after the snow but still remains cold with a strong weekend out look. Everything should be open. This being the first "holiday weekend" resorts are doing all they can to open up to reap the benefits. Bring on the revenue!

The play by play:

Indiana: Paoli rained over the weekend washed all out gains they made last week. However a couple of cold days have this area close to opening. They will be pulling out the stops to open at least some terrain this weekend. It is looking like Sunday at best. Perfect North - The resort was hammered by rain last weekend. Some how it stayed open on some ribbons of snow top to bottom. Colder weather has returned thus enabling the slopes to recover. Should be close to 100% this weekend.

Ohio - Mad River is just above the I-70 line it received snow instead of the rain that was failing in Indiana. It is now close to 100% open and saw good traffic this week. Snow Trials - Is now open in earnest. It was fresh snow this weekend and cold nights this week. It will continue to add to its base. Brandywine/Boston Mills - remain open at close to 100%. The Lake effect is in full force in the Cleveland area.

Illinois - Snow Star is now open with all but a few trails open it was saw 5-8 inches of the white stuff fall over the weekend and last weeks ice is a memory. Chestnut Mtn - is 100%. The golf course ski areas in the Chicago area are hoping to open this weekend. To capitalize on the weekend crowds. .

Iowa - Sundown - 100% open terrain 25-65 inch PP base. Way to go Iowa! Does Hillary ski?

Missouri - Hidden Valley (the other one) - well it snowed over the weekend but not enough and didn't stay cold enough long enough to open. They are aiming at Dec 23rd opening day. Across the state near KC Snow Creek is 100%open! Did see temp cold enough to make snow and opened on the 16th with 12 of 12 trails open. So if you are in KC you can ski this holiday!

Michigan - low country - Swiss Valley - Over a foot of snow fell in the last week thus are they are open with a 22 -25 inch base. Timber Ridge - opened at 100%. Right up the road Bittersweet 100% this weekend. The famous Mount Brighton and the other Detroit area resorts received 3-4inches of the natural stuff this week and have had the guns going all week. They are looking for a strong holiday week. In Northern Michigan the snow continues to fall all week. Look for a great holiday skiing. Those who can make it up to the great untapped ski areas of the UP will see some great skiing this holiday week.

Wisconsin - look for the ski areas near the big cities to open. While the more remote areas like Granite Peak are rocking some serious mid seasons conditions.

The flat lands are open some come ski!!
Roger Z
December 20, 2007
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Yes Snow Creek is 100% open- all two trails. I flew over it on the way to CO. Might be taking a trip up there this winter out of desperation.

The interesting thing about winter this year in Missouri/Kansas is that the snow/rain line appears to move right across the center of the state. KC has been significantly cooler than StL this month, with the exception of a few days. Normally they're about the same. We're getting snow showers and they're getting rain. Last year the jet stream moved north out over Salina, about 120 miles west of KC, so it was warm everywhere east of Hays. Maybe next year the jet will be out over IL or KY somewhere.
December 20, 2007
Member since 01/18/2007 🔗
32 posts
I was at Perfect North today...whole left side of the mountain was open with select trails open on the right side (I didn't venture over there since the good stuff over there wasn't open).

I was fairly impressed for my first day out for the season. Despite all the rain they had, there was a pretty good base built up. Center Stage started off the day with golf ball sized chunks of stuff but that softened up a bit as the day went did my I am out of shape.
oldensign - DCSki Columnist
December 21, 2007
Member since 02/27/2007 🔗
500 posts
Do you known any good deals or discounts at Perfect? I like to ski there but they are $$$.

The rain killed Paoli they will not open till Sunday. I will be in IL for Xmas plan on skiing Chestnut and Snowstar.
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