A prominent new owner in Canaan Valley?
January 10, 2008
16 posts
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Has anyone else heard that a certain high-ranking West Virginia politico and his wife are buying a place in Canaan Valley?
You know... I'm not one to gossip.... but...yes...we heard that he was buying a place in Deerfield and was here this past weekend.
Remember Miss Bonita in 'In Living Color'?! I'm not one to gossip, so you haven't heard it from me.... ha.
Joe would be my guess. He was up at Timberline earlier this year for a meet and great thing too. I think some of his relatives may have property up here already.
Joe would be my guess. He was up at Timberline earlier this year for a meet and great thing too. I think some of his relatives may have property up here already.
Joe Manchin?????
hahaha, my folks were invited to his Christmas Party this year at the Mansion

Maybe I will have to invite him over for drinks when he is up

Just wait till I'm governor and then buy Timberline and install 2 6 packs. :P
Just wait till I'm governor and then buy Timberline and install 2 6 packs. :P
Not unless I am governor first.....then I will keep T-Line the way it is, put a gondola in at Snowshoe over the lake to develop that side, appoint Andy to the MPC development commitee, and after all that is done I'll hang in the Valley the rest of the time I am in office......
Joe would be my guess. He was up at Timberline earlier this year for a meet and great thing too. I think some of his relatives may have property up here already.
Joe Manchin?????
hahaha, my folks were invited to his Christmas Party this year at the Mansion

Maybe I will have to invite him over for drinks when he is up
I know, I know! I'm gonna find out where his place is and leave a note suggestin' that he should introduce a bill in the legislature declarin' emminent domain over that holdout property that's standin' in the way of "Almost Heaven."
Now that would be way cool!
That and some tax increment financing for infrastructure improvements at Timberline (new lift) and canaan valley (snowmaking). Best bet for canaan would be to lease the ski area to Chip Chase, he's better at growing snow than Guest Services is at making it!
I'm pretty sure the governor bought a house on Courtland Road. This is great for the area.
Ouch, Jimmy! But duh truth hurts.
Yah, in Deerfield, but my sources can't confirm he's actually closed and settled.
Yah, in Deerfield, but my sources can't confirm he's actually closed and settled.
Oh he'll move funds from where ever needed to get the house he wants...Manchins have never had a problem doing that...

FWIW, my sources finally confirmed he has officially closed and settled and is an owner in canaan valley as of 1/1/08.
Just wait till I'm governor and then buy Timberline and install 2 6 packs. :P
Not unless I am governor first.....then I will keep T-Line the way it is, put a gondola in at Snowshoe over the lake to develop that side, appoint Andy to the MPC development commitee, and after all that is done I'll hang in the Valley the rest of the time I am in office......
......Thank you so much for your appointment there Mr Physics...That was my original plan..leave TL & Canaan to sit forever in a time warp & let SS & MPC (Almost Heaven) take us into the future!...now if that is not possible Baywalker has my complete support!...I'm confused though..I thought the Gov allready had a place at Timberline??!!