Anyone been to the Expo yet?
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November 9, 2007
Member since 11/11/2006 🔗
125 posts
Would like to get some feedback on how it was this year.

How was the swap, vendors, etc.
bousquet19 - DCSki Supporter 
November 10, 2007
Member since 02/23/2006 🔗
781 posts
I went today (Saturday) with my son and 3 of his friends. Since this was my first ski show, I don't have anything for comparison except my expectations. There were only 2 non-ski vendors that I noticed, and no pots-and-pans routine this year. Plenty of mid-Atlantic ski areas represented, plus a few beyond incl. Stowe, Jay and Jackson Hole.

The Wisp tickets passed out today with admission were good on weekdays and weekends but not holidays. Fine with me. Enjoyed the Warren Miller movie; it runs 1 hr 40 mins. (Get to the movie at least 5 mins before opening b/c the seats fill up. Sorry to miss the DCSkiers.) The pass given out with the movie works for one ticket at Liberty-Roundtop-Whitetail but only until 12/21. After that it's good for $10 off on weekdays. (That was a tad disappointing but I do plan to ski early, so now I know where I'm headed.)

Ski gear was sold at 3-4 vendors' booths plus the ski swap. I saw some good deals on gear and skis. Some personnel at these booths were excellent, others couldn't distinguish b/w mens' skis and womens' skis.

Overall, I was glad we went and the guys who came along agreed. It's good to know that my son and 3 of his friends all have lift passes to the same ski areas -- saves on arguments and the inertia of indecision down the road.

bousquet19 - DCSki Supporter 
November 11, 2007
Member since 02/23/2006 🔗
781 posts
I forgot to add this: if you go today, check the subscription form you receive when you enter. It's for your choice of Ski, Skiiing, Snowboarding, Ski and Snowboard, Lots More Skiing, etc.

At the bottom is a coupon for *refunding* the $10 admission you paid if you decide that you don't want a magazine. Hope it works!

JimK - DCSki Columnist
November 11, 2007
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
2,989 posts
Woody, sorry I missed you yesterday. My son and I only ducked into the Miller showing a couple minutes before noon. Room was already packed by then.
I liked the film. Good clean fun from Whistler to Sweden to Japan and a whole lot of Alaskan Chugach in between.
DCMidnight, the swap was considerably smaller than the one at Ski Center a couple weeks ago.

PS: Met forum poster SCWVA. He had a gang at the show.
November 11, 2007
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
1,281 posts
so yeah we blew in'bout 5 or so and visited ski liberty first off oh yeah Deanna was in her high heels and lookin' fine my chick got tired of me eyeballin' her. Some guy there recognized me and said "oh yeah your hair use to be longer we always liked your enthusiasm" ugh "enthusiasm" ok let's go head-to-head and ski some stuff and I'll check on that "enthusiasm" stuff while u eat the rooster-tails comin' off my skis.

The W. film was decent as usual about 20 minutes too long but I liked most of it including the stuff @ Alta most excellent it made me all homesick so we figure now we're gonna move backmaybeeeeeeeeee errrr howaboutThreeyrs. It was funny seeing Jamie Pierre ski since my friend Jeff who Jamie used to follow around said "yeah well he can't ski worth crap" ski fairly well goshhe actually made a few turns before dropping stuff.

I got a huge double ski bag for %40 off.

The skis were lame. Like who would buy them?!?!?!??!?!!

I wish they had some booze there like even beer.

The vid-arcade stuff was cool.

Deanna has nice hair.

I got lots of free chocolate from the exhibits.

The people running the Warren Miller show were dumba$$es you could tell they never made a turn in their lives and the drawing for the prize (such as it was) was boring and the guy with glasses that ran it doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground about skiing - rather he is doing what he's supposed to do .

Did I mention how hot Deanna looked?!

November 11, 2007
Member since 12/15/2004 🔗
230 posts hows bout someone posting pics of Deanna??????

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