Ski Pants
December 11, 2007
16 posts
11 users
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I need to get a new pair of ski pants this year and need a pair that are very durable (will be skiing 4+ days per week), waterproof (gore-tex or something comparable), reasonably priced (sub $100 would be great), very warm (will be doing a lot of cold and windy night skiing), and are as lightweight as possible. I have been looking at sierra trading and it seems they offer some of the best deals. Any input would be really helpful.
I have used Sierra and found them to be all that is advertised.
The Colonel

4 DAYS A WEEK!!!! How did you manage that one??
Ok: I have a pair exactly like these that I have used for 4 seasons now. Marker did a great job making these. I LOVE THEM!!!! They are extremely durable, very warm, and very waterproof. I only wear a pair of skin tight thermals underneath them and have never got cold (even in subzero temps). If the pants in that auction fit I think it would be an awesome deal. has some northfaces's for under $100. i can attest their hyvent material being very waterproof. they have a ton other pants too and alot have real reviews which is cool. the most important thing to pay attention to is the waterproof rating of the goretex or the vendor specific material is. anything 10K or above is really good.
If someone could find me a pair of Boulder Gear XTC pants I would buy them again in a second. I bought this pair maybe 7 years ago and they are the best made piece of clothing that I have *ever* bought save for maybe the BG jacket I got. If I could ever find their stuff again I would buy two or three pairs and hoarde them in my closet.
As for companies still in business I would recommend the North Face gear. My dad has their ski pants and loves them. He falls down a lot too so can attest to their waterproofness.
I love my LL Bean Snowsport pants. They are warm, easy to get on and off, and completely rip-proof (I have spent plenty of time on my butt sliding down the hill to prove it).
They are a little more expensive than you mentioned, but you probably can use a coupon to get the price down a bit. Like all LL Bean Stuff, they are garunteed. If they rip or don't do well in the wash (mine are fine), then take them back and they will give you a new pair. Here is the online link: I have also seen them in the store recently in Tysons Corner.
Edit: They also have non-insulated if you want
I need to get a new pair of ski pants this year and need a pair that are very durable (will be skiing 4+ days per week), waterproof (gore-tex or something comparable), reasonably priced (sub $100 would be great), very warm (will be doing a lot of cold and windy night skiing), and are as lightweight as possible. I have been looking at sierra trading and it seems they offer some of the best deals. Any input would be really helpful.
Being the buget minded person I am (i.e., cheap), I know that every year sports authority has 20$ ski pants. If its cold, they don't need to be waterproof ;), you can buy two pairs for when its really cold! They seem to last me about 3 years. I ski with long johns under them and am good down to about 15 degrees.
Let me tell you what I wear now. I wear a pair of <$50 waterproof wind pants with full length zippers down the legs. Underneath I wear LLBean, other companies available, lined jeans or chinos. I used to wear long johns, "ski outer pants" with lining, etc. This current combination has kept me dry and warm for the last 6+ years.
The Colonel

Well i manage that by having practice tuesday and thursdays with races on sat and sun... not to bad of a deal if you ask me. Also, i may add another day or two to that schedual if i end up instructing at Tussey this winter.
Thanks for the link! But unfortunately i am a medium so they are one size too big. has some northfaces's for under $100.
Wow that seems like a great site and amazing prices.. only problem is that they carry every size except medium!! Kinda annoying because those north faces seem perfect. Anyone knwo of another site where i may be able to find some NF deals?
If i cant find anything else i may go with
these colombia pants . Seems like an ok deal for a good product.
if u want something durable and warm start checking out snowboard pants. much more durable then the regular old ski pant and most are more functional with many more tear resistent areas and pockets (we all need more pockets). try 686, volcom, and burton. I have used all of them and reccomended them in a second. you can get away with a basic "shell" pant if you layer properly...just remember too much warmth will = cold quickly. owe, and if all u other skiers out there haven't noticed snowboard companies generally create the most styln gear out there (hate to admitt but true).
I got some Marmot board pants. Cargo style. They awesome, even have felt knee pads, which is nice when I'm tightening the spousal unit's boot straps. Keeps the knees warm and from hurting on the ice.
Though, they could use a bit of reinforcement in the inside of the ankle area, as every now and then i'll ding that area with my inside ski edge.
squirrel- ya i have some snowboard pants right now. the problem is that i need them mostly for racing or at least race practice which means that big and baggy is not necessarily good. however, that said i guess it does not matter as much for me this year because i now have a speed suit. I do need new pants and i want to thank everyone for the help and if anyone has any more suggestions or links pleas let me know. im going to ask for pants for a Christmas present so any input is greatly appreciated!
That is why as a skier you don't want to get snowboard pants. They aren't reinforced in the right areas.
That is why as a skier you don't want to get snowboard pants.
I tried to tell a buddy of mine the same thing. He was worried about what he was going to look like, so he bought some new-schoolish snowboard pants to SKI in.....Needless to say that he doesn't care much for them anymore...

Check out, Predator pants, 10k waterproof for $79 and free shipping. All sizes in 4 colors available. There's actually quite a few pants deals on there right now. I just ordered the Predators today. Always need more pants