something to cool you down on a hot day :)
August 11, 2007
I wouldn't even know what to do with that much snow, but I'd sure like to try.
Thread hijack: in honor of today's blistering heat, anyone have good stories about the warmest weather they ever skied in?
I used to ski at Massanutten a bit back in the '80s and '90s. Always seemed pretty mild there, but discount skiing in the spring was almost like beach weather and close to 70degs some days. Skied on a very mild (60degs) and sunny day at Heavenly, CA a couple years ago. First time I skied without any gloves in a long time. Skied one Eastertime in mid Apr at Killington back in the late 70s on a 60+ degree day. Only upper part of mtn was open. The snow was like a glacier, melting on top, rock hard ice underneath.
i coulda sworn it hit 70, or damn near close, one weekend near the end of last season when I was at liberty.
Have done a 75+ degree day at the shoe back in the early 90s and one at t-line on many occasions over the years. It's a rarity, but does happen then usually followed by a day of rain or a blizzard. Out west it can happen anytime in may or june.

Thanks Crunchy. I needed that pow-pow pic to bring back winter's fondest memories. NOAA says it's 106 right now outside my window in Culpeper. Who said that GW doesn't exist?
I skied in 76 degree weather at Whitetail in their opening season. We had an exchanged student from Finland with us. To say that she was in utter disbelief would be putting it nicely.

The only upside is that it got colder from that day forward. When Whitetail closed a month later they had all- or almost all- their terrain open, first week of April I think. We just hit it really, really badly.
The best 'beach day' I had was in 05 at Bryce on their closing day. Early in the morning was in the 30s and didn't seem like it would warm up so I was decked out in gear. Made it to Bryce with a friend around noon and had the entire place to ourselves. However, sure enough on a thermometer outside it showed ~65*F and after stripping down after each run, it was just one big summer blast on snow.
I recall skiing Wintergreen's mash potaoes on day when the temp was in the 60's. It was the at the end of the season in 97/98? I think. My skis sunk in places to the top of my boots and not in a good way. I think there were 3 skiers on the whole hill the whole day. They had closed some runs but from the bottom you could stll hike up and ski down them.
I to spent an afternoon at the 'tail durning on of those 60 plus days. Water water flowing every where. Bibs and a t-shirt.
I have a great shot of my wife and I skiing at Wisp in shorts mid 90's some time.
Also one from A-basin on the 4th of July in 98. It was hot below but up on the mtn it was perfect! My wife skied in bikni top. I tried to go the speedo route but was thankfully talked out of it!!!!
I was at snowshoe 2 years ago and it was reading 74 at the bottom of the mountain ( I think it is a bank sign) This was in March and I know it was pushing 70 at the bottom of the western express lift. Water would pour off of my skis as soon as I got on the lift.