I just have to say....
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August 1, 2007
Member since 01/25/2002 🔗
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August 1, 2007
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
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Anybody heard anything new on Bill Bright's potential to get 'er done?
August 2, 2007
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
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EXCELLENT POST!!!!......Glad to see the Gatman is still Lurking!
August 7, 2007
Member since 02/22/2007 🔗
596 posts
 Originally Posted By: kwillg6
Anybody heard anything new on Bill Bright's potential to get 'er done?

I asked some local residents about this, and nothing new seems to be on the books, but apparently a conservation group bought 1,000 acres in Dry Fork that has a parcel slated for limited development that a developer might have been looking at for a new area.

pagamony - DCSki Supporter 
August 7, 2007
Member since 02/23/2005 🔗
928 posts
Looks like a reasonable organization. wrt almost heaven, it also looks like they have set aside the high slopes for habitat and restoration. the limited development area is on a ridge crown at perhaps 3600 to 4200'. Their text:

"Thunderstruck will include a small number of exceptional home sites with expansive vistas complimented by the property's primary habitat and conservation goals. The setting for the sites is among the most spectacular in the Highlands region. Surrounded by permanently preserved land supporting some of the East's most biologically diverse habitat, it is a conservationist's dream come true with majestic views of the Appalachian Mountain Highland region. The property is within easy access to a large number of quality outdoor amenities (skiing, mountain biking, hunting, fishing, hiking) and within 4 hours driving distance of Washington, Baltimore and Pittsburgh. The sites are ideal for the second home market. "
August 7, 2007
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
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That's interesting. It's btween high mountain and Bonner mtn. Looks like good neighbors to me.
August 7, 2007
Member since 02/22/2007 🔗
596 posts
don't think you can get much closer to mr fishnski's Mt Porte Crayon. heck they even named the project after it in a way \:\)

heres a better closeup of the topo map.. area in red is the aprox area that was slated for developement and is aprox 2miles from mt porte crayon peak. (i drew it so its not exact hehe)

Roger Z
August 7, 2007
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
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Man, I am SERIOUSLY looking forward to those properties coming up for sale. I wonder if the missus would allow us to spend our hard-earned dollar on property there instead of, say, on food or other non-essentials?

On a sidenote- if this purchase map is accurate, it looks like building to the summit of MPC is out of the question. If I recall, though, Andy had a hankerin' for the north facing ridge on the edge of the map. Where are Bright's optioned properties again?
August 7, 2007
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
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See that high area between the Limited Dev & on towards thunderstruck? A relatively flat area about 4200'in elevation that I thought would be perfect for the Village with slopes running off & down from there. A lift from the east end from 4200 to 4770"....& on & on...Got it all mapped out in my head. One hell of a ski area for this part of the world!!
Somthing is fishy about this Group...Why wasn't this big news?..Didn't make any papers that I read. The Group is made up of leaders in buisness,finance,realestate...& Conservation....could it be that Mr. Bright is on the board of directors?......Hush Hush..Secret,secret..things are moving..deals are bieng made..trades ect........it ain't over yet Johnny!!
Roger Z
August 7, 2007
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Somthing is fishy about this Group...Why wasn't this big news?..Didn't make any papers that I read. The Group is made up of leaders in buisness,finance,realestate...& Conservation....could it be that Mr. Bright is on the board of directors?......Hush Hush..Secret,secret


That group is a front for me. I control all the land through a non-profit subsidiary of Halliburton. None of the land has any ecological value whatsoever, I just bought it to piss you off.

(just kidding)

- Rog
August 7, 2007
Member since 07/15/2004 🔗
585 posts
Their association with the Nature Conservancy makes this project suspect to me. The Washington Post did a series on the Nature Conservancy last year. The findings were not flattering. TNC uses grant funds and non-profit status to buy private land to "preserve" - and sell to wealthy benefactors to build their own private and exclusive estates. Their close relationship with big business has also led to some very environmentally unfriendly practices on sensitive land they purchased to "protect". They have been called "Nature's Real Estate Agent". This project smells a little funny if you ask me.

August 8, 2007
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
U Mudda!!...Halliburton? You making a deal with Cheney do give him one side of the MT for his Happy hunting grounds while you get the side thats in view of my home up there, where you can flash me torturous morse code with a mirror informing me on how well the "save the Salamander/Flying squirrel" project is going? Maybe let ole Cheney blast a few of the squirrels for payment?...U Mudda!...Bring on "Almost Heaven"!
Roger Z
August 8, 2007
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
This project smells a little funny if you ask me.

What specifically do you mean that it "smells a little funny"? Do you think they're saying one thing (eg, sustainable forestry and limited land development) and are going to do another (clear cutting and gifting land to favored individuals)?

Regarding the original Nature Conservancy story in the Post, it can be found here:

http://sovereignty.net/p/ngo/ (this site appears to have the entire story, including the Nature Conservancy's follow-up actions and editorial response to the Post article)

Trying to introduce a profit motive into sustainable land management is a tricky issue. It strikes some people as just plain wrong, and the laws are easily manipulated. You should see some of the stunts that have been pulled by billionaires to get tax credits for conservation. That has unfortunate legal ramifications that makes it harder for legitimate preservation groups and small landholders to do business down the road.
August 8, 2007
Member since 07/15/2004 🔗
585 posts
 Originally Posted By: Roger Z
This project smells a little funny if you ask me.

What specifically do you mean that it "smells a little funny"?

"Smells funny" is a figure of speech used when one isn't sure what "specifically" is wrong. Man, I thought you knew everything...
August 8, 2007
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
That exact same line was used by our lawyers in court last week regarding the dams. It nearly shocked the opposition that a bit of fun was being poked at them with that.
Roger Z
August 9, 2007
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
"Smells funny" is a figure of speech used when one isn't sure what "specifically" is wrong. Man, I thought you knew everything...

I was trying to ask you a question. Sorry if you took it the wrong way.
August 9, 2007
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
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Seriously though. I am somewhat skeptical when a rather large tract is purchased by one of "those" organizations without much fanfare with the term of "limited development" attached. I dunno if it smells funny, but the odor is not what one would expect. I'll ask my local friends what they have heard (smelled) recently on my next sorte to the area.
August 9, 2007
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Does this pass the smell test? This land can be "developed" as in produce a return on investment if there's income from carbon or clean air credits? The insiders get their little piece of paradise and pay for it by selling the tax credits....
Roger Z
August 9, 2007
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Just out of curiosity, does anyone who is concerned about the Sustainable Land Fund support the building of Almost Heaven? Besides Andy? \:\)

Incidentally, the SLF land deal was announced in the Charleston Gazette on June 28th.
August 10, 2007
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
I just have to say....

it's been a while since we've had a drinkingthread, remember summer beer/winter beer, moonshine discussions. while i waiting for almost heaven i'm drinking a bit..... finally got around to trying that Stella R twa, i just love saying R twa when i order one......how bout martinis wus ur favorotie martini, mine most favarite mawhtine, beefeater up dirty with three olives with the pimento sucked out

is it lunchtime yet?
August 10, 2007
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts
who has the pleasure of sucking your pimento(s) ?????
mi bestest martini is a vodkaon da rocks with splash of anythin else available. I jus luv dese drinkin threds althou its a hi-jak (he-he) ;\) iguess mi fav three tings are skiin, drinkin an sex... not necessairly in dat order
Roger Z
August 10, 2007
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
I have to agree with ya Kim on the "three best things in life but not necessarily in that order." With my wife-to-be soon to depart for her home country, and ski season far away, that leaves just one thing to do from now until December...

...say, didn't we used to have a drunken smiley face? Where did that go?...

...Sandra generally disapproves of debaucherous drinking (generally, she sometimes lets me get away with it), so all the more reason to notch it up. Until she comes back to the country, I'm going to have a long running farewell to bachelordom!
August 10, 2007
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
hear..hear!...Drink up Mates...there's a whole tankfull!!!
Roger Z
August 10, 2007
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
There certainly was tonight... so I'm down at the local bar, getting sloshed, and one of my neighbors shows up, and after two beers dabbling in his insecurities he pays off my whole tab. Really, does it get any better in August? I don't think so.

Did I mention another neighbor might be able to wrangle up free tickets to the American Rodeo and George Strait? Hell I love Friday nights at the local bar. HICCUP!!!... \:\)
August 31, 2007
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
I just have to say
That theres been plenty of good news today

Finally that kettler bash thread is dead?
Some one should start a happy one instead
Did you see what the old farmer said?

i just have to say
theres been plenty of good news today

It's magic, bruce and the E STREET BAND

unowut i was getting tired of the struggle of the masses against the machine thingy bruce had going the mills in allentown close down, what ever happened to OHOH come take my hand and mansions of glory ......just rap ur legs round these velvet rims and strap ur hands cross my engine.....but anyways they're back together new tunes due 9/28, wut do u think i think boss w/o the band is like going to mortons and ordering chicken

wendy take my hand i wanna be ur man

cause bums like me
baby we were born to ski

August 31, 2007
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
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August 31, 2007
Member since 01/6/2000 🔗
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I'll have what he's having.
JimK - DCSki Columnist
August 31, 2007
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
2,989 posts
To paraphrase The Doors:

Well, I woke up this morning
And I got myself a beer.
Well, I woke up this morning
And I got myself a beer.

The future's for certain
And the next ski season's always near.

Let it roll, baby, roll.
Let it roll, baby, roll.
Let it roll, baby, roll.
Let it roll, all night long
August 31, 2007
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
JimK - DCSki Columnist
August 31, 2007
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
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Leo almost gave me a gastric disturburbance
August 31, 2007
Member since 03/4/2003 🔗
294 posts
Interesting reading whilst I wait for my Bass Ale to chill.
August 31, 2007
Member since 12/3/2004 🔗
339 posts
Since this is the first year in five I'm not teaching full time and spending 7 days a week on snow...yeah it will probably happen. In fact, with my luck, it will HAMMER every Sunday night through Thursday. Leaving ice and skied off crap every weekend \:\(

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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