Any dcskiers up for meeting this weekend? I know that there was talk of meeting at the snowy luau the 17th/18th but this weekend looks like it might be pretty good...anyway I'd be up for meeting at CV/TL or at Blue Knob. Let me know!
p.s. I am really jealous of all you who are hitting the valley midweek! Circumstances have me travelling in the wrong direction (cville to DC rather than cville to WV) this week...
A keg of my favorite winter beer couldn't keep me away this weekend since I missed last weekend. It should be terrific conditions. I'm going to to t-line, as usual, maybe even a day early since the spouse is talking that up.
I know its kind of pre-weekend, but I will be at T-Line on Thursday. Check this out: NOAA Forcast for Wednesday
After reading Wednesday's forcast my schedule just opened up (its funny how classes get canceled when there is snow in the mountains). Anyone going to be there? I would love to make some powder turns with a fellow DCSkier!!!
Still trying to decide where to go this weekend - CV or TL. I guess I prefer CV on a powder day, but I imagine it will have all been skied off by satuday, no? Temp is supposed to be around 50 as well. So under these conditions would TL be the choice? I am also considering wisp or blue knob.
i think the forecast for the weekend calls for rain and warmer temps for the highlands doesn't it? I'm very hesitant about goin back because of that. Otherwise id be back there in a second, because after 3 powder trips up there since prez-day weekend, my new lover is without a doubt Davis, WV