Snowshoe/Slatyfork Sewer: DEP Responds to 8Rivers
1 post
1 user
March 2, 2007
Member since 09/28/2006 🔗
52 posts
Hi folks,

The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection has responded to the formal complaint filed by Eight Rivers Safe Development, Inc. regarding the issuance of a Finding Of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the proposed Snowshoe/Slatyfork sewage treatment plant.

The press release and response can be found here:

WVDEP Responds to Complaint by Eight Rivers Safe Development, Inc.

If you have questions about the response, you can email me at, or use the "Contact Us" link on (that's probably better in this case than contacting me, as it goes directly to the right people).

Thanks, and take care. :-)

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