Whitegrass sets record
February 20, 2007
Remember early this season & the concern that WG needed some Buis....Well FF to Yest & they just posted a 25 year record attendence of 565 skiers..WOW..How in the Heck do they process that many folks thru that Love Shack

That's a whole lotta love!
The word is out

. Now one of the East's best kept secrets will be inundated with massive hords of flatlanders!
Next will be swarms of locusts.

Yesterday (Sunday) was a blizzard there with 12 inches new snow!!!
At CV it started snowing at noon on Saturday, intensified throughout the day, and finally finished sometime late Sunday night/early Monday morning. Picked up at least a foot by the time I walked off the hill at 4:30 on Sunday and then another 6 inches was on top of my truck Monday morning. Drifting made it hard to get a final total but there were plenty of thigh deep drifts everywhere! Hey Ullr...if you have to ask, you weren't there, hehehe!