Weekend Ski Prep
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Roger Z
February 2, 2007
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
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Okay, since dad just yelled at us about global warming , what does everyone do to get pysched for the upcoming ski trips on the weekends? Granted, I'm not skiing this weekend, but Steve Earl's "Copperhead Road" is on my computer and Murphy's Red Irish Beer is going down my throat. It's 12 degrees out and if I was 8,000 feet higher I can't imagine I'd be doing anything different to get ready for the runs.

Anyone got any favorite pre-skiing rituals?
February 2, 2007
Member since 11/27/2004 🔗
532 posts
Doin it right now. Bought some Sobe Energy Drinks and Power Bar for lunch on the lifts. Charged up the old MP3 player. Next I'll pack every thing in my truck in the garage the night before. And I'm ready!
February 3, 2007
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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Steve Earl's "Copperhead Road"

as visions of MSM dance in his head.....

Getting ready for the trip is part of the fun of the trip, here's my

Multi day pre-departure check-list

inventory and pack mother of all bags,

aerobed pumps charged

intoxicant supply in order

gastank full

skis boots poles, MOAB, cooler, incidental bag arranged in pre flight staging area. All i have left to do for departure is load above, slide some Sublime into the player and keep my eye on the road for three hours .
February 3, 2007
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
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I'm Slow Jimmi, What does MOAB stand for? Mother of all Beers? Bieng almost 8 hours away from my 2nd Home in Canaan Area I Prep By Studying the Weather! I Refuse to drive that far without getting a true Winter Experience, Although lately Heavy Blowing snow is becoming less of a priority. I am now seeking a couple of Bluebird days with Great Conditions. I have chosen next weekend into early next week as my next "Experience".I hope the weather gets a little milder by then....Its 14 up at the valley right now & the arctic blast is still on its way!...Make sure my boot bag has all the equipment..Helmet,Goggles,Turtle(Very Important MM) Gloves,Face mask(Very Important MM) Extra gloves & Wool Hats & ski bibs..My Lady makes sure she has boot warmers.Make sure there is anti freeze in the radiator,& bring along extra windshield wiper fluid.. Go Roller Blading Or go for a run & Make sure I go to work Everyday To pay for all of this!....PS I hope Dads heart is now singing with happiness! Luv ya 2 Pag
February 3, 2007
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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andy Just back from a six day tour MOAB would've held enuf for another couple o dayz . Eight hours on the road sucks how long u stayin? Next weekend looking good, WV alpps rock u shoulda seen the look on that girls face at killington, ahe asked if we had any snow in WV, i smiled and told her from the looks of things in the mountains of Vre-mont we prolly got more snow in the Mountains of
WV last week Ha , tata fer now .
Roger Z
February 3, 2007
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Should Copperhead Road be the themesong of MSM???

Glad to hear you put it to the woman at Killington, Jimmy. Those folks can always use a little come-uppance.

26 inches of new snow this week at Taos with a 62 inch base. I'll be there in a few weeks. 28 inches of new snow at Wolf Creek, site of a late March visit with a few buddies. Just got my skis backed, fixed up nicely from The Canyons percolating pebbles. Longterm forecasts are calling for steady snow in the Rockies starting next week (not this one- bluebird sky's this week)... couldn't happen at a better time!
February 4, 2007
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
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Would ask you where you went on your "Tour" besides Killington but I wouldn't want to Hijack Rogers thread Even though I think he Hijacked his own thread to plug "His Tour" ...Oh & thanks for asking..I plan on skiing Canaan on Sunday(to beat the crowds Hopefully) & TL on Mon. I am hoping that they will not be blowing snow this trip..Anybody know? Even though it was 19 degrees the other week up there the snow coming out of the guns was still wet. My other halfs Lower half got wet & Cold....Am I gonna need those gloves with the windshield wipers on them..Reinforced & waterproofed clothes?...Please tell me that with this Constant snow that the area has been getting, They won't be Blowing!......PS..I will be signing autographs at both lodges on my "ALPPS" tour
February 4, 2007
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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andy, Ullr's leaving for new yourk, it's just you me and zee, hijack ok just don't bring up GW, just finished reading that thread you guys gotta start listening to dad or you'll be grounded for the rest of this miserable ski season we're in the midst of......i was really shocked to learn that the earth is not flat and that margarine is bad for me but i will adapt... i suspect steve/swimmer falls out of the boat a lot cuz he had the handle b4 the twins . Copperhead Road, might be a good name for our signature triple EX bump run as well as a most appropriate theme song for Moonshine Mountain.

Where was I? O yes we were about to hijack Zee Thread but since the tour started on a sunday we're still near topic because sunday is the weekend....... anyways we spent M T W getting our a$$es kicked by killington mountain, my favorite line on the hill, besides the one to the sushi yushi bar was the right side of superstar. Hoped to get the crew to mad river glen but i don't think the hole crew would have appreciated the experience, there's always next year.....we did a travel day on thursday and skied, first time for us all, at ur buddy MM's favorite hill Blue Knobon Friday. They really missed a chance with Stemboggin Bowl to honor the Mountain Masher by not naming that area Mountain Mash Basin, they did, however make a memorial out of the old school bus he used to ride when he was a yungun, u no b4 GW was discovered and waist deep snow falls were the norm ....... finished the skiing part of the tour yesterday, here at home, on the weekend, on my tele skis, Oglebay Snow Bowl. Now we're back on topic, see .

Think you'll be thirsty after signing all those autographs?? let me know, my regular bartender left town for WY but i'll see what i can do, in the ALPPS, next WEEKEND .

Good to be back.
February 4, 2007
Member since 01/8/2005 🔗
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We're getting ready for a 4-day Snowshoe trip next weekend with family, and I find the weekend-before "prep" can be fun. Yesterday, I fired up a propane heater in my garage and got out beer and snacks while I tuned and waxed the skis that needed it and made some adjustments to my homemade glove/boot dryer. There was some goofy reggae music on the local NPR station that seemed to fit right in. Also got all my wife's gear ready (she only skis 1-2 times a year) and started making my mother to-do list. I already have a regular ski gear checklist for dummies to help me avoid forgetting something important like poles or boots. Wife went to Sam's club and stocked up on beer and snacks. Will have a late week grocery run for other stuff, and a late week laundry session to get the clothing all set. The rest is preparing to ski, eat our faces off, and have relaxing evenings in front of the fire with a few beers.

Things we often forget are matches, newspaper, and a hatchet for getting the fire going. That stuff is explicitly on the list this year, along with laundry detergent, baby wipes, and extra paper towels. I am sure we'll forget something else.
February 4, 2007
Member since 12/8/2004 🔗
224 posts
Ah yes, the pre-ski prep ritual! Pretty much got it down to a science!

The usual pack my eqipment bag to make sure I have everything, i.e., gloves, helmet, goggles, snowpants, boots, jackets, extra layers and so forth. Also make sure the iPod is charged up and ready to go, with the selection of music for the day's drive is on it.

Since I usually spent an entire weekend at the mountain, also gotta pack my overnight bag. I also like to check the weather to see what the conditions are going to be like, so I can pack appropriately. If it going to be 70 degrees out and sunny, extra sunblack, spring gloves and the like will be in order, likewise, if it is going to be like 8 degrees and blowing snow (like it will most likely be the next couple of days), the face mask, heavier gloves, extra layers will be in order.

Stage all that in the "pre-flight" area by the front door of the house. Time to leave - pack the skis, poles and equipment bag in the trunk. The overnight bag, sleeping bag and such in the rear seat. Plug the iPod into my headunit (I love that iPod interface!), and select the music and away I go. Nothing like cranking up some Symphorce and Persuader on the way up like I did yesterday, and some Manticora on the way home. Ah yes, some serious power metal to get me psyched up for the day of skiing!
February 4, 2007
Member since 12/29/2004 🔗
538 posts
Prep??!!! Is that getting home late on friday, waking up early throwing skis, poles, boots and ski bag in truck with a quick glove check. drive 3-4 hours, ski all day, stop and drink one beer drive 3-4 hours home watch a movie with wife, get up and put everything away for the next time. I'm thinking of buying a tuning kit and maybe I'll start working that in somewhere.
February 4, 2007
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
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Funny stuff Jimmi ..Were you at Timberline pub the aft of Jan 19th?..We usually CK in to the pub for a drink or 2...or maybe 5..But unlike the old days when we used to close the place down, we just head back to the "Chalet" Early. A few Beers at the pub & then Big Johns for a pizza Or straight to my place for some "Safe" drinking & a BBQ on the Deck. Who is your Fav B-Tender..That Lady that I see all the time(Older not younger)?
Roger Z
February 4, 2007
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
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This thread is un-hi-jackable, boys. We can talk of ski tours, ski prep, ski-ing, drinking, whatever. If it starts with Copperhead Road it can go where it wants, now can't it?

Paul Simon's "Rhythm of the Saints" is also a good pre-ski-prep CD.

Oh speaking of prep my neighbor invited a bunch of us over for free beer and snacks related to this strange sport some refer to as "football"??? Anyway there's free booze and with any luck there will be some commercials showing skiing. Oh btw my girlfriend, Sandra, was ready to strangle me the other day (thank goodness she lives 1000 miles away at moments like that!). After coming home from Park City she was channel surfing the following weekend and spent an hour watching the mogul competition from Deer Valley. She didn't even realize what she was doing until about half an hour into it and she realized it was ALL MY FAULT.

I'm so glad she seems to be getting addicted. Wait until our next trip, I'm bringin' ski porn (Warren Miller, etc), and she's gonna watch every second of it without me asking her!!! Heh heh heh...
February 4, 2007
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
Ok..HIJACKED with blessings! Yeh its all Good when you can find a partner that likes what you like! My Girl Can catch & TEAR into some Wild caught Fish & Hangs tough on the Slopes. Keep your Skiing up Roger..Don't Want her running off with a snowboarder !! I'm Rooting on the Colts & Manning But my girl still remembers the way the Colts snuck out of baltimore & she still HATES!...Football? Yeh Funny Comment ZEE as jimmi says it.....If & when MPC ever gets going I got a free lift ticket for opening day for you to lure you back to the motherLand for one more visit!....That is if you are not retired down in Elsalvadore by then
pagamony - DCSki Supporter 
February 4, 2007
Member since 02/23/2005 🔗
928 posts
I love the getting ready. Spent yesterday with file and iron, today with scraper, very theuraputic. NPR and then some Zep on the player. Packed up 3 pairs of skis into two bags, with ski pants for padding, 3 pairs of boots into two more bags with all other gear, some space left over for more clothes. Cinched, tagged, and ready to go. Can't find one pair of googles and one pair of gloves - sacrificed to Ullr last week? Flight to Denver next Saturday. Can't wait.

Craig - what are you gonna do - build a bonfire at Snowshoe? Burning down the house?
February 5, 2007
Member since 01/5/2006 🔗
507 posts
NPR? What are you all doing, Putting the kick wax on your Karhus before strapping them to the volvo?

Being a Yinzer, a night of ski tuning in prep for some skiing was allways accompanied by a Penguins game on the radio. Not that I would wait for a penalty kill to apply wax, but having Lange talk about "getting the heat out of a hot kitchen" while pressing a little blob of wax to a hot iron just seemed 'right'.

Thanks to the 'net broadcasts, I discovered I can recreate the same atmosphere.
February 5, 2007
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
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Hy and Jack... seems like a after and before description for intoxicant intake . Actually, I prep throughout the week. Buy some vittles on Thursday, intoxicants on Friday, other necessities whenever I think of them. If I get to the mountain early enough, I may do a quick tune and wax while sipping, and listen to some ZZ, or just start a fire and chill .
For those who missed it, t-line's snow was like pure colorado this past weekend. I understand that it's only gonna get better all this week. They should be near 100 proof by next saturday but there will be a race on WL so it'll be OB for the general public. The drop was FANTASTIC yesterday and if I didn't have to leave, I'd still be there. Nice bumps, lots of soft powder. Jimmy, you'll have to do it next weekend, both on the hill and in the pub .
pagamony - DCSki Supporter 
February 5, 2007
Member since 02/23/2005 🔗
928 posts
^^nahh, I sold the Volvo years ago and I don't have enough real snow down here to make use of the kick wax. Kahru does some nice work, though. I do like Weekend America. I wonder if they play Garrison Keillor at Whitegrass?

Then there is the driving for those of us too far south. Going up 29, its got to be The Who and stop at the Apple Market gas station between Alta-Vista and Lynchburg for bacon biscuits. Check the skis on top and feel satisfied about the day to come. Then reality of the painful drive home with hurt ribs and sore calves - finish it off the drive Van Morrison and meet Sam Adams at the door.

I am trying to decide if I want to burn a day out west on telemark lessons. Can anyone say how long it takes a good but not great skier to pick that up ?
February 5, 2007
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts

........telemark lessons. Can anyone say how long it takes a good but not great skier to pick that up ?

Hee, I'm trying to figure that out myself! Have you cross country skied? I haven't, taken two tele clinics and i'm comfortable on mid-atlantic intermediate terrain, in fact on Saturday at my local 200' ski hill, i was without question the best tele skier on the hill; i was also the only skier on tele . I got a bit of mileage in between the two clinics. I'm around level 7 on alpine and on the alpine scale i would consider myself a 3.5 after about six or seven days with my heels free. Remember that you can make parallel turns on tele if things get tough, my advice is dewit, it is fun being a beginner again.

Why the interest?
pagamony - DCSki Supporter 
February 5, 2007
Member since 02/23/2005 🔗
928 posts


........telemark lessons. Can anyone say how long it takes a good but not great skier to pick that up ?

Hee, I'm trying to figure that out myself! Have you cross country skied? I haven't, taken two tele clinics and i'm comfortable on mid-atlantic intermediate terrain, in fact on Saturday at my local 200' ski hill, i was without question the best tele skier on the hill; i was also the only skier on tele . I got a bit of mileage in between the two clinics. I'm around level 7 on alpine and on the alpine scale i would consider myself a 3.5 after about six or seven days with my heels free. Remember that you can make parallel turns on tele if things get tough, my advice is dewit, it is fun being a beginner again.

Why the interest?

Congrats on mastering your local hill - what is that for Wheeling?

I am telling myself that I like the idea of winter touring - I've enjoyed sking just as much when I didn't have any lifts at all, maybe more. I've XC a little, but I can't truly glide or turn worth much at all. AT gear might be an option also but I never see anyone around here on that, though I do run into tele skiers quite a bit now.

But I think the truth is I just want another way to injure myself.

I might also be an apline 7. Have you felt like you should have mastered alpine more or has that not been an issue?
February 5, 2007
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Takes longer to get PREPed than it does to get there .


Have you felt like you should have mastered alpine more or has that not been an issue?

Not really an issue. I think alpine experience would help someone progress faster than starting from scratch on tele, i was already comfortable with speed, pitch, variable snow, picking a line. You are over the normal fears a complete newb would have to get over. One issue is that i've been fortunate to meet and ski regularly with some very good skiers and riders and i'm not comfortable at all on difficult terrain that i used to ski at a high level. I haven't sold my Izors and grown a ponytail, yet. The new challenges, learning to ski uphill and getting into the BC a bit are what interest me.

AT is English for Randonee? Randonee is French for Can't Telly .
February 6, 2007
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts

This thread is un-hi-jackable, boys. We can talk of ski tours, ski prep, ski-ing, drinking, whatever. If it starts with Copperhead Road it can go where it wants, now can't it?

ooh, i was reviewing my checklist and i forgot to tromano the bier......

tro-mano (v), to chill. .... "I think i'm going to tromano in the pub", "Man, look at that gal tromano those bumps" u get the idea.

pagamony the other thing that interests me with tele is that when i manage to get a turn right, it feels sooo goood.
Roger Z
February 6, 2007
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
NOAA just reported Jan temps in Utah. Salt Lake City was EIGHT DEGREES BELOW NORMAL for the month. That's pretty flippin' cold. It was also dry- Alta reported only 20% of it's average monthly precipitation.

Here in Kansas City, we were about one degree above normal for January. Not bad, considering how mild it started.

I'm thinking of jaunting up to Snow Creek this weekend, just to get outside and do something (too cold to hike). My expectations are somewhere south of zero. How do you ski prep for what you are anticipating will be an embarrassingly bad hill??? Any suggestions? Tequilla shots at six in the morning?
February 6, 2007
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts

Tequilla shots at six in the morning?

Doesn't that make ur clothes fall off????
Roger Z
February 6, 2007
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
You're right. Perhaps for my ski prep I should go to a bridal shower with Bacardi punch.

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