Tons of snowmaking. Deffinately a good thing. Some of these may be blurry due to motion. Sorry about that. Note that I brought my scrap camera, so that if it were to break, only about $75 would be lost, rather than $230.
A bit down from the powder monkey lift on Whistlepunk.
Whistlepunk under the Powder Monkey liftline.
Thats actually natural snow. Had a trace that morning.
Looking down the Grabhammer liftline.
Powder Monkey getting blasted.
Spruce Glades was looking good.
Some empty chairs too.
Foreground: Skip Jack - Background: Spruce Glades
The top. Skidder.
Depending on how my hyper-extended wrist is (fell on it doing a baskside boardslide
), Im headed back Tuesday.