I was thumbing through the Dec. issue of the Washingtonian when I ran across a couple page article about our local ski resorts, with comments from generally well known residents about the ski areas they most frequent.
Weatherman Topper Shutt favored Timberline and Wisp, Connie Long favored Whitetail, Brett Baier likes Whitetail and Wintergreen for longer stays, Maryland First Lady Kendel Ehlrich enjoys Wisp, Jim Cantore from the Weather Channel is positive about Snowshoe, sports reporter Steve Buckhantz goes to Massanutten, Chef Russel Cunningham also is a Massanutten fan, John Phillips is mentioned as high on Blue Knob and Elk Mt., Doreen Gentzler prefers Wintergreen, photographer S. Brown likes Canaan Valley for cross country, AND OUR OWN BELOVED SCOTT SMITH (DCSki EDITOR) muses about fun trips to Whitetail, Liberty and Seven Springs. Each personality provides insight into why certain resorts have appeal for them. It is a fun read.
WAY TO GO SCOTT...and they gave you a plug for DCSki.com!!
The Colonel