Saying hi again!
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November 4, 2006
Member since 12/8/2004 🔗
224 posts
Well, figure I'd drop in and say hi again (and to check to see if my account still works, as it has been awhile since I was on here).

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I am definitly getting stoked about getting out there and making some turns again.

I still need to get up to Ski RoundTop, or Liberty, as I've never skied over there. Of course, I'll be at Massanutten again like I usually do, as well as try to get a couple days at Wintergreen.

Hope to see you guys on the slopes!
November 5, 2006
Member since 12/19/2002 🔗
998 posts
Hey! Welcome back.

Of the 2 RoundTop has more interesting terrain. Their double black trail on far skiers right is pretty steep and can get corniced up. Its a fun one. I wouldn't say its worth a 3 hour drive. If your planning to come anyway, at least try to make sure its open before you do. I think its called gunbarrel (or maybe ramrod). HTH. --Tim
November 6, 2006
Member since 02/10/2004 🔗
1,668 posts
Hi Steve,

Do you happen to have any insight as to whether Massanutten will let skier's left of Paradice bump up again this year? I'm trying to decide between wintergreen and massanutten for my season's pass this year; i've done wintergreen the last 2 years but am thinking of going with massanutten this year just to mix things up a bit. Knowing if they plan to let paradice bump up would definitely push me towards massanutten.
February 14, 2007
Member since 12/8/2004 🔗
224 posts

Hi Steve,

Do you happen to have any insight as to whether Massanutten will let skier's left of Paradice bump up again this year? I'm trying to decide between wintergreen and massanutten for my season's pass this year; i've done wintergreen the last 2 years but am thinking of going with massanutten this year just to mix things up a bit. Knowing if they plan to let paradice bump up would definitely push me towards massanutten.

Actually, from what I understand and my experience from just this past weekend, they are trying to let the left side of Paradice bump up again. However, the snow had not really had a chance to soften up good enough to allow bumps to form, since it had not really warmed up much in the past week or so. It was the same situation on Upper Dixie Dare.

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