Who's the bumpiest this weekend?
March 31, 2006
Gonna try to squeeze out one (or maybe two

) more ski day this weekend. Pretty much all I want to ski are some soft spring bumps. So, does anyone have any first hand beta for Snowshoe and T'Line? Who's the bumpiest? Personally, I prefer T'Line cause of the laid back atmosphere and cheap lift tic's, but do they have any good bump runs right now? Has Snowshoe let anything bump up besides the Western Territory? Hope everyone has a great last weekend of local skiing!
Ill be at snowshoe. They usually have some pretty good bumps closing weekend.
Snowshoe has not been letting bumps stay around lately. Knot bumper was groomed flat last week, except for a gnarly icy/rocky entry on top with some bumps. Lower Cupp does bump up a little during the day, but is normally groomed flat at night. Lower Shay's is closed. Best bet might be Choker under the Powder Monkey chair, which they have not been grooming (but my info predates the snow from Sat-Tues). It had decent bumps last week.
The other factor is temps -- sometimes they don't groom at SS if it's too warm. Best bet would be to check their snow report and see what has been groomed. Any of those trails will be pure cord...
I know you didnt mention it but springs should havesome really nice bumps on stowe and goosebumps. Plus If it is warm the skier traffic creates crud piles all over the place.
Last weekend stowe had awesome bumps on it, skied it like 40 times in 2 days, would have been more if my little sister didnt get worked on it the middle of the second day.
Good luck in the quest for bumps though, they have become my favorite thing to do around here now.
Thanks for the replies guys. I've never been to 7Springs, but it's a little out of the way from C'Ville. Anyway, I think I'm leaning towards Snowshoe unless I hear about some irresitable secret bumps at T'Line. PowPow, I might see you up there tomorrow. Always good to meet up with a fellow freeheeler. I'll be on T1's/Fischers and I'll be skiing with my girlfriend. Anyway, I think we've met at Wintergreen? You're on T-Races and World Pistes? Have fun this weekend everyone!