Snowshoe +5"
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March 29, 2006
Member since 01/8/2005 🔗
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Snow report says they got another 5" yesterday, but also says the surface is loose granular, so it might have been mixed precip. No matter though....
March 29, 2006
Member since 09/13/2004 🔗
618 posts
Temps stayed plenty cold yesterday but there construction webcam showed freezing rain during the afternoon.
March 29, 2006
Member since 11/30/2000 🔗
194 posts
Hey, it's the last weekend - gotta go - it's tradition. Hoped to ski in shorts/T, but it looks like it'll be a bit too cold for that.
Going Thurs. afternoon til Sunday.
March 30, 2006
Member since 10/6/2005 🔗
269 posts
Just returned from a last minute trip to snowshoe -- could not have asked for a better ending to the season (short of going out west, that is)!
Went out on Tuesday morning after hearing they had received 18 inches over the weekend.. They were calling for rain on tuesday but figured 'what the heck'.. Hit the slopes around noon to a light rain. Within a few runs, the rain had turned to a mix, then sleet, then wet snow.. Left the slopes around 4 to foxfire for dinner before the crowds. Several inches fell before coming to an end around midnight. Wednesday probably hit the mid forties with sunshine and lots of ungroomed snow (too heavy to call powder -- i've only been skiing for a few years and don't know the 'technical' term for it but my wife refers to it as 'mashed-potatoes')on most slopes which i enjoyed alot because i really needed practice in skiing these conditions. About six runs down the western territory provided quite a workout (and about all my old bones, nevermind my wife, could handle) and really built my confidence -- even tried some of the 'bumps' on the other side. This morning (thursday) was spectaclur -- the complete opposite to yesterday. I do not know how cold it got last night but the groomers worked magic. Hit the Western territory by 9:10 am and both cupp and upper shays (lower shays is closed) were perfect corduroy. Was able to cruise down practicing all turn shapes, under sunny blue skies, almost effortlessly (which was a good thing since the hot tub last night didn't quite sooth my burning thighs from having pushed around heavy snow all day yesterday). Conditions held up fairly well until about noon- when i had to cut out for home anyway. The neat part is that we picked up some subs to eat on the trip home and we wound up eating at a picnic area in WV -- it was sunny and 72 degrees and less than 3 hours from when we left the slopes!. I couuldn't have asked for a better way to end the ski season and welcome in spring (time to get the golf clubs and motorcycles out of the garage!).
I hope the conditions hold for those heading to snowshoe this final weekend -- they still had excellent coverage when i left at noon today!
The Colonel - DCSki Supporter 
March 30, 2006
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
3,110 posts
Great report. What do you mean "old bones". How old..where do you live?
The Colonel
March 30, 2006
Member since 01/8/2005 🔗
1,318 posts
Great report gizmo, I am glad to hear you got out there for some good skiing! I know exactly the kind of groomed spring corduroy you encountered on Cupp/Shays this morning, and that is indeed some good skiing. Wish I could have made it out there today!
April 1, 2006
Member since 10/6/2005 🔗
269 posts
In response to your inquiries, although a little off topic----
I was a bit tongue-in-cheek--- these 51-year old bones are still in decent shape...I'm from the Pittsburgh area... my wife and I have just completed our 4th season as skiers...have not had the opportunity to ski many places, just HV, 7Springs and Snowshoe but we love it! Because of business responsibilities it is difficult for us to travel for extended periods so over the years we had done several golf getaways to hv. Five seasons ago, on a whim, my wife booked us for a ski weekend getaway at hv with the beginners lesson package and we had a blast. Wound up buying a condo at hv and have been season pass holders for past 4 seasons. First stumbled upon this forum when I was searching for info re: hv sale. Really enjoy all the info and insight I've garnered from dcski!
April 3, 2006
Member since 11/30/2000 🔗
194 posts
What a closing. Weird cold front Sat. afternoon just for the pond skimming, but back to warm sun on Sunday. I was the shirtless one in the black bathing suit Fri & Sun if you were there. Spent the whole time on Knot Bumper...bumps getting bigger and softer all the time. Bathing suit ski tip: don't fall down. In its own way = one of the best ski weekends of the season.

Oh, had to add - bathing suit ski one day - they're expecting SNOW Tue. and Wed. !!!
April 3, 2006
Member since 01/8/2005 🔗
1,318 posts
Yeah, I saw that snow forecast too! Must let it go, must let it go, the season is over, the season is over....

Knot bumper is a great little trail when the bumps are in progress after a snow storm or when the snow is soft. That trail quickly gets too gnarly for me to ski when they let the bumps grow for a couple weeks and get hard/icy. But my brother in law can ski it well in any shape, and he spends hours over there. It would be great if they could add more glade skiing down below in the trees -- that's my favorite part but it's too short of a section.
The Colonel - DCSki Supporter 
April 3, 2006
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
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Agree, I love the gladed area. While skiing at VAIL in January I discovered a section on the other side of the back bowls (Blue Sky Basin, Cloud9 slope) that included a gladed "run" that was over 1000' of vertical and probably 200+ yards wide, and the best part, it was groomed every evening!! Talk about providing a service for the customers! Obviously cutting a glade for skiing and making sure that the groomers (probably special ones for this slope) had room to get through costs extra dough. Thanks, Vail, it is one sweet sweet run through the fir trees.
The Colonel
April 3, 2006
Member since 12/8/2001 🔗
792 posts
Groomed glades?? Why thats just not done.

I like trees because the groomers can't get in there. Case in point McConkeys at Park City and Cobabe Canyone in PowMow. mmmm delicioso. Now excuse me while I turn away and daydream for 10-15 minutes.
April 3, 2006
Member since 07/31/2003 🔗
485 posts
I believe that you're referring to Blue Sky Basin...

The Colonel - DCSki Supporter 
April 3, 2006
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
3,110 posts
Thanks Warren, you are correct. I just found my Vail trail map and have edited my original post to include the area and slope names.
Thanks again,
The Colonel
Roger Z
April 3, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Yeah, they exist Kennedy. There's an awesome groomed glade at Big Mountain, Montana called Glory Hole. One of the most popular runs on the mountain.

You can also use groomers to make moguls. It's a wild world we live in.
April 3, 2006
Member since 03/16/2006 🔗
68 posts

if you like cloud 9 you will love the glade runs b/w 'heavy metal' and 'divide'. it is an unnamed ungroomed area that is awesome powder and rolling hills/hops. to get there mach it down underneath skyline experss lift (get speed to make it up the incline at the end, plus you are usually skiing into the wind). you probably recall the cliff face to your left as you rode the lift up(skier right). follow that ridge along the cliff face til it ends and down to the right at the end of it and it opens up to the best ungroomed glades i've ever ridden. usually i spend the whole day on these glades. it ends up dumping out right above lift 39.

hope to meet you guys at snowshoe sometime as i am also a homeowner at wabasso.
The Colonel - DCSki Supporter 
April 3, 2006
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
3,110 posts
Hope to meet you someday also. Where do you live?
Next year we need to try to have a get together dat for all the DCSkiers that appreciate the SHOE.
"flanaryb", now that is an interesting handle. Any particular meaning?
The Colonel
April 3, 2006
Member since 01/8/2005 🔗
1,318 posts

hope to meet you guys at snowshoe sometime as i am also a homeowner at wabasso.

Nice units at Wabasso. I am really wishing I had a place up at the Shoe -- it would be perfect. I did 10-11 days there this season, and lodging got expensive. For the last two of my days there, I stayed in a small studio condo at Ridgewood. Nice little place, and not too bad a walk to the slopes. My favorite was PowderMonkey -- great location. I was able to walk across the street and nab first tracks on Western Territory several times. It's a pity I wasn't wise to Snowshoe years ago when real estate was affordable!

April 4, 2006
Member since 03/27/2005 🔗
3,530 posts
Remember about 2 weeks ago I said to watch out for april 3rd to the 5th? I had thought back then that the Shoe would be still open...well anyway its snowed allready With another batch to come in tonite(the 4th). this weather system was the one that the "little birdie" thought had some potential....anyway it was 86 down here yesterday,the slopes are closed.....GONE FISHIN
April 4, 2006
Member since 11/30/2000 🔗
194 posts
Yes, we've got to have a Snowshoe Open House - but only for those that can appreciate it. I wonder how many of those that keep posting that they'll never return to the 'Shoe keep showing up all the time there?!?

The ToTW is still a real bargain for now - all 1-bdrms under $100k and next year the new Widowmaker high-speed-quad will be right out the door. Soaring Eagle right next door ($650k+) can't do anything but bring up the property value too. They should easily go for $150k then.
April 7, 2006
Member since 03/16/2006 🔗
68 posts
Just moved to Raleigh, NC from Alexandria, Va. Didnt make it up at all this season due to move, new job, new baby, etc.- horrible feeling, will have to roll over my season pass to next year. Usually make it up there about every other wknd during board season. Also, the drive just went from 4 to about 6 hours so im sure that will cut down my hits.

South Mtn. development at the Shoe is going crazy and prop. values should continue to increase. I got in at wabasso in '03 and values have about doubled. A buddy got his in '96 as intrawest just purchased and his value has gone up about 5-6X. The new lift should only push values higher. Jason Brown, the engineer at shoe, says some of the plans for slope expansion include cutting new slopes in the vicinity below wabasso/loggers run, etc. TOW is still a good value on the mtn in this area.

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