Last chance weekend
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March 28, 2006
Member since 05/10/2005 🔗
124 posts
Who is heading out this weekend for the end?
Im heading to WV to a whitewater paddling festival then up to Snowshoe sunday for the last day.
March 28, 2006
Member since 11/30/2000 🔗
194 posts
Will be there to kiss the ski season goodbye, and the mountain bike season hello !!! There's only 20 major weekend events coming up. That's what makes SS so great - the others aren't so much fun in the Summer. LOL
March 28, 2006
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
I am thinking about trying to go out on Saturday somewhere. I would like to avoid the Shoe because it is the longest drive from here, but they may be the only ones with snow. Wisp's webcams don't look to promising and T-Line's haven't been updated since some snowfall earlier in March. Who knows what will end up happening??
March 28, 2006
Member since 04/11/2003 🔗
1,326 posts
Don't let the webcams fool you: there is still a base at Wisp; though it is kinda dirty-looking.

The only trick is not minding the un-frozen granslush. I was on 78mm and managed nicely. It was fairly heavy going for some lighter skiers on 66mm.

Now, where's that weekend bus to T-Line?
March 28, 2006
Member since 03/30/2004 🔗
260 posts
The front 2 (squirl cage and the face) have tons of base left on of last weekend - a couple feet worth!!
March 29, 2006
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts

The front 2 (squirl cage and the face) have tons of base left on of last weekend - a couple feet worth!!

I am going to test that base out tomorrow. The worst thing that I should have to worry about is a little sunburn. Anyone else going to be up there?
March 29, 2006
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
Turns out today (Wed) couldn't work out for me. What time are you heading up tomorrow and I'll take a day off for sure. I figure my one board has a small gash in it, it was bought used that I might as well give it a run through one last time.
March 29, 2006
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts

What time are you heading up tomorrow and I'll take a day off for sure.

I will probably be leaving here around 7:30ish so I will get up there no later than 9 (depending on school traffic). Can you meet me at the ticket window outside around 9:00? Is that a good time for you? Just post back on here and let me know...I will be checking back on here probably several more times through the evening.

Who knows that I will be wearing since it will be so warm...I haven't decided yet.
March 29, 2006
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
I'll do my best to be there by that time. Unfortunately my pre-pay cell phone doesn't work at Wisp (I get 5 bars but it's roaming and denies me access). For me, that means leaving here probably around 7:00am and zipping across the mountain.

With a projected high of the mid 60's, I'll probably stick to grey snowboarding pants and a black sweater and my black protec helmet. When not wearing my goggles I have a pair of custom made blue lense sunglasses.
March 29, 2006
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
I will look for you....I am like you and probably will make it up a little later than 9 too. I have a friend coming with me and he has to rent so that will take another 20 mins or so but he can ski everything but moguls....(I will send him down Squirrel Cage while I hit up Face)....I will have blue salomon skis, a black spider liner on for a jacket, a grey beanie, and black pants....
March 29, 2006
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
I'm curious to see the conditions and how far I can push myself. Normally I don't do Squirrel Cage if it's icy or super hard pack, but if it's warm and soft then I may try that and the Face. Usually when I go with others, they barely touch blues as is, so I figure if it's dead empty tomorrow i'll pull it all out.
March 29, 2006
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
btw - What driving route from Clarksburg are you taking?
March 29, 2006
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
I take 79 North to Morgantown and then 68 East over to the Friendsville exit then Rt 42 for about 7 miles and it merges with 219 right up the hill from where you turn off of 219 to go down into the resort. (I will come in from the opposite side you do.)
March 29, 2006
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
Actually I'm very familiar with that route as I took it last week when I went to Michigan. I went to Wisp from the south end of 219, hit the Friendsville exit (no one told me that the grade was that steep back there) then took 68 to 79 to 70 to Wheeling and up the Ohio turnpike. That was a nasty drive.
March 29, 2006
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
Yeah definitely not a fun drive. The steep grade that you are talking about was actually made better since they added some lanes. The old route was even steeper and you didn't have the luxury of passing slow moving traffic that easily. It also makes for interesting travel when snow-covered. BTW I think I may go with the red Spider shell in the morning (it might be a little cooler than I thought). I think I am gonna be wearing my Camelback too...
March 30, 2006
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
I hate that I couldn't make it up there this morning. Just as I was within 15 min or so of leaving, I got two of my larger clients calling me regarding needing help asap. Not stuff I could put off till tomorrow, but actual things I had to personally take care of. Unfortunately it looks like tomorrow is out as thse things are spilling over till then too.
March 30, 2006
Member since 06/28/2004 🔗
2,444 posts
Today was awesome...we skied all day!!! I posted a small trip report with some pics in the local resorts discussion area. It is my first one ever. Everyone Check it out!!

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