So I'm going to be in SLC for work next week. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to squeek out a trip to anyplace close to Salt Lake during the day. Do any of you know if any ski area in or near Salt Lake City offers night skiing?
Brighton and PCMR(limited to two of the frontside blues) come to mind.
Ignore your username* and bring your warmies, those lifts get -cold-. Avoidance skills are good too; last time I night skied in UT the only other people there were from Atlanta or Texas.
*Disregard if female and let us know which resort you intend to visit.
If you can, get out as early as possible on the evening you intend to ski, and head straight to Brighton. If nothing else, you'll at least get to see the drive up Big Cottonwood Canyon (spectacular) and maybe get there in time for quick ride to the top on the quad. Then, even if most of your skiing is under the lights on the low slopes, you'll at least have gotten a pretty good look around. PCMR, on the other hand, just gets you up Payday, and you can't even get a good view of what Utah skiing is all about.
(Of course, the BEST option would be to book you flight back one day later and stay over with a vacation day. If you do that, I'd recommend a day a Solitude for an awesome intro to SLC in March.)
I'd love to go back a day later but I have class (graduate student) on Friday mornings.... Bummer.
And, I'm a dude. sorry! I've done some crazy stuff in undergrad that gave me the great nickname...
Actually, I should have some time immediately after my morning meetings. I'll probably go up straight after when I get out around 11 or so and ski until the lights come on and write my report at night. Damn, I'm so good!
skier, I'll add my 2 cents worth as well. I've been night skiing at Brighton and they offer a surprisingly large amount of the hill under the lights (although it gets kind of dark in some spots! ). There are even some nice moguled black-diamond hill-sides available.
I have never night skied in Utah, though I have sat in the hot-tub at the Marriott Mountainside in Park City and counted dozens of empty chairs between skiers. Besides racer training I wonder why they even bother.
Discounts are available pretty much all over, like at supermarkets, and it's Brighton. I think the standard discount might be a whopping what? $3-$5 for that hill?
BTW Ski Trucks is home to the most, hmmm, entertaining gear page I know of.