Blue Knob or Timberline Wednesday?
March 1, 2006
I have a fever, and the only percription is 1000 feet of vert!!(SNL reference). So this wednesday I could go to either, I will be traveling alone most likely, and would love a ski buddy for the day I hope 2 days is enough time in advance to make plans for most. I am leaning towards Timberline because I have never been there and its dumping there right now. So yeah anyone want to meet up, if so I could video tape a run or 2 for you and I. PM and post with your thoughts.
My gear info goes as follows, Metron B5 and Salomon Xwave 10 boots(yellow), silver giro 9 helmet. I wont know my ski clothes till that day cause I own way to freaking much of that stuff(DAMN YOU STEEPANDCHEAP).
I gotta fever for cowbell and the only cure is more cowbell...something like it, wasn't it?
If you gotta fever for 1000 vert, could you imgine the sickness if you had something like the 4000 vert of Jackson Hole in your backyard...that illness would not be curable..poor bastard

Well, BuskwhackerinPA, it's Wednesday. I'm sitting here at work, finishing a late lunch, with the same fever for a 1000-foot mountain.
Whichever area you chose to ski today --Tline or BK -- I hope it's great out there.
I was called in to work at Hidden valley:|, but I got a get out of jail free card for friday, and will be going to Blue Knob. I will be down at t-line for the luau a day.
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The Colonel