PA Dedicated Skier Voucher
March 11, 2007
I have some of these I'd like to liquidate at my cost, $31.00 each. Good for lift ticket at 26 PA ski areas. PM if interested.
Is it a voucher that has discounts for lift tickets at any PA resort? Coupons for free tickets? I'm unfamiliar with that.
Basically you buy a book of 24 vouchers for 750 from PA Ski Area Assoc. You give a voucher to the ticket man and he gives you a ticket. 7 Springs price is 41.00, you saved 10.
Are these good for weekends, and are they good at the snow time resorts?
Aaron, they're good anytime, i've used them at whitetail, liberty, camelback, 7 Springs. I'm sure Roundtop accepts them. I think it's about all of the PA Areas except Denton & Montage.
Unfortunately I don't know of when I'd have anytime to make it upto Whitetail (closest to me) or any other PA resorts. :-s
Just got back from a trip to PA and used some of Jimmy's vouchers. All you do is walk up to the ticket window and exchange the vouchers for lift tickets. It's as simple as that. I highly recommend it to anyone who is thinking of going up to PA before the end of the year.
Slow start to this season leaves me with some of these to share. Same deal as last year.
I have some of these I'd like to liquidate at my cost, $31.00 each. Good for lift ticket at 26 PA ski areas. PM if interested.
Bet you could make $500 in one day on a weekend selling those vouchers at a $5 discount to folks in the parking lot at Whitetail!....HMMM Scalping tickets...20 years ago I'd be up for it.