Sounds like a busy ski weekend coming up... ??
January 24, 2006
I was at the (new) Ski Chalet in Chantilly and I noticed that on the little chalkboard by the rental section there was note saying that most children skis are rented out. .
Then I noticed that other DCSkiers are also going skiing this weekend due to Fairfax schools closing.
Adding to these observations, the weather also looks promising for this weekend.
I wonder if the slopes are going to be terribly busy this weekend. Hum?
We are going to CV/Tline and I hope that most local skiers go to Whitetail/Liberty...
Any predictions?
How bad can it get in Canaan and Tline? What is the worst that you have ever seen?
I hopes it busy and snowy at Hidden Valley, so i can get some more lessons coming to me.
Eug, no worries, the crowds will be at snowtime. Worst i remember at Tline was presidents day two years ago.
Not that many head to the valley unless they do a three day thing. The longest the lift lines were this year were all of 10 minutes at t-line on MLK Saturday. Maybe the prediction of pow will bring out a few more, but that has never stopped me from a good time.