What's happening with the new lake at Blue Knob?
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Mountain Masher
January 13, 2006
Member since 03/13/2004 🔗
541 posts
The large snowmaking lake at BK that was supposed to be finished (based on a couple of articles) by the start of this ski season is not currently in use. Does anyone know why the lake is not in use and why there isn't much water in it? Things like this seem to be an all-too-familiar theme at BK; first there was the sale of the resort to a British hotel company that didn't go through and now a lake that was supposed to be ready but isn't.
January 13, 2006
Member since 02/3/2005 🔗
143 posts
Ok, I'll bite the bait


chill out man. Your spring is wound uber too tight. We all know you have a beef with Blue Knob. Take your gripes to them directly. Take them to the state, the county, the Feds, we don't give a hairy rat's carcass where you take them but we can't fix or satiate your beef here.

You want change? Lobby the people who can make change. You want our support? Form a petition and ask for signatures. But we cannot support your obvious issue with Blue Knob simply by repling to your groans here. These groans are not read by Blue Knob. They don't have time to monitor the internet looking for feedback on their actions.

Take your fight to them. Stop wasting time out there throwing stones from the cheap seats. Either step up, or shut up, please. It's tiresome.

If you have taken real action outside of rambling in cyber space, share your actions with us, educate us what has been done and the reaction from the officials you dealt with. That would be so much more interesting.

Mountain Masher
January 13, 2006
Member since 03/13/2004 🔗
541 posts
Give me a break Steve! After all the hoopla in the media about the new snowmaking lake at BK (that was supposed to be in operation THIS season and hold up to "15 MILLION Gallons" of water) merely asking why the lake is NOT ready IS a legitimate question! And, that's ALL I did in my post. You've made a total fool of yourself by all of your ranting....try to grow up!!!
January 13, 2006
Member since 01/1/2003 🔗
276 posts
it hurts....
January 13, 2006
Member since 11/27/2004 🔗
532 posts
You see this is what happened..............

Due to all the illegal logging that occurred, a hole in the ozone formed, which released toxic chemicals, that came down in the form of acid rain, which in turn mixed with the water in the lake to form a dealy poison, which will have to be paid for by money that was stolen from the states fund for poor children with terminal diseases.

Gotta go with Steve on this one, dude, we know your agenda. It's ok, we all know that you think BK is more evil than Osama and Bin Laden combined.

I can't take it any more, I agree, I agree!!!!

Just give it a break already!
snowsmith - DCSki Supporter 
January 13, 2006
Member since 03/15/2004 🔗
1,580 posts
Perhaps the Masher has a legitimate complaint. A snow making lake that BK advertised to hold 18 MG of water that has no water in it...why isn't that a legit complaint. If designed correctly, with all the rain that we've had, it should be full of water.
Mountain Masher
January 13, 2006
Member since 03/13/2004 🔗
541 posts
Jokes aside, some of us are still wondering why the lake at BK wasn't completed as reported. Simply "attacking the messenger" (me) doesn't add anything to the discussion and constitutes juvenile behavior. By refusing to have a meaningful discussion about the issues at hand you have shown that you are the one with an "agenda".
Scott - DCSki Editor
January 14, 2006
Member since 10/10/1999 🔗
1,252 posts
Mountain Masher: Have you called the resort and asked? Their phone number is (800) 458-3403. The resort did indeed send out a press release in early December mentioning the new snowmaking lake, so you might have a legitimate concern. But I think it would take far less time (a minute or two?) to simply call the resort and ask the status of the lake than to spend time conjecturing about the status here. Don't sit around wondering -- just give 'em a call to find out what's up, and then report what you find out here. I doubt that anybody here has an answer.
January 14, 2006
Member since 11/27/2004 🔗
532 posts

By refusing to have a meaningful discussion about the issues at hand you have shown that you are the one with an "agenda".


I made the statement based on the fact that in my opinion, your purpose was not to find out why the new pond was not full. I feel that you probably have already investigated the matter in great detail and know the real answer. You have been against the pond, the trails, the lifts, the lodge and the whole darn place for as long as I have been comming to this site! This is why Steve used the terms "troll" and "bait". Your agend is to reinforce your prediction made on 7/22//05 that:


In my opinion, the new snowmaking lake (under construction) does not appear to be a well planned professional project. I asked BK State Park and the construction contractor where the water is going to come from, both stated that they simply weren't sure where the water is going to come from or if there will be enough water. I believe that this new lake is likely to fail, which would be a huge waste and abuse of PA State Park land.

January 14, 2006
Member since 11/27/2004 🔗
532 posts
So, with that being said, I am interested in hearing why the pond is not full. So please tell us...............
Roger Z
January 14, 2006
Member since 01/16/2004 🔗
2,181 posts
Here's the deal folks:

If the pond is empty, M'nM will complain.

If the pond is full, M'nM will complain about the snow conditions not being much better than they used to be.

If the snow conditions are better than they used to be, M'nM will complain that there hasn't been any snow at Blue Knob due to global warming.

If there has been snow (again, due to global warming), M'nM will complain about the thin coverage in the BK glades.

If the coverage is good in the BK glades, M'nM will complain about the lifts.

If the lifts get upgraded, M'nM will complain about the lodge.

If the lodge gets upgraded, by that point there should have been a warm-up so the snow will be gone from the woods so he can resume his complaint about the thin coverage there.

If the snow comes back, the lodge is top rated, the lifts are mild, the trails are open, the rocks have disappeared, and Greenpeace awards BK the environmental steward of the year award, M'nM will probably spontaneously combust. Given that neither spontaneous combustion nor the possibility of a perfect ski resort in the Mid-Atlantic exist, however, I think we're stuck listening to him gripe about something about Blue Knob for the rest of our time on this website. Best to just ignore his posts if they drive you batty, because they're not ever going to get better, about BK or the weather. And since those are his only two tricks...
January 14, 2006
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Scott you are onto something here. What we need is some first hand on the ground info. Hardly see any posts on here about anybody skiing at Blue Knob. How about we put on white hazmat suits, tell em we're with the 10th mountain division and go up there and do some skiing. I'd like to see for myself.

I've never been there but if you've got the patience to distill Mountain Masher's posts down to the facts, it sounds like a very mismanaged ski area. Maybe the perfect location for.......... as far as "what's happening with the new lake at Blue Knob?" i'd guess right now it is filling up with snow!
January 14, 2006
Member since 06/30/2004 🔗
780 posts
I have never been to BK myself. MM's rants may be legit or he possibly may have an axe to grind, but MM, please give it a rest. At least BK is OPEN!!! Us LMer's are sitting thru another ski season with our little piece of Heaven sitting idle yet again. So be thankful. Even if BK is not up to your desired standards, at least you can strap on some skis or a snowboard and enjoy a few runs... we can't.
JimK - DCSki Columnist
January 14, 2006
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
2,989 posts
Don't want to add fuel to rumor mill, but I've been tracking the status of BKs lower mtn trails on and off this season. All the good stuff is currently not open, e.g. Extrovert, stembogen, lower high hopes & lower 66. Pretty sure the first three normally get snowmaking if weather permits. Don't believe any of them have ever opened this season. Can't help speculating if there's a link to alleged problems with new lake?
January 14, 2006
Member since 01/1/2003 🔗
276 posts
I moved fairly close to BK this year so I was really hoping to make it up finally. I've been watching the status of the lower trails too. Stemboggen did in fact open right at the beginning of the thaw for about a week before closing again. I did some hiking there this summer and am pretty excited about trying it if the lower part finally opens. I'm just hoping for an epic February.
January 15, 2006
Member since 11/12/2005 🔗
21 posts
The pond was full before ski season started, then within weeks of the season opening a bear had gotten in to the pond and while trying to get out it tore the lining with its claws - the SP finally removed the bear and returned it safely to the wilderness but the pond had to be drained so new lining could be put in. Now that was fine then but with all of the rain in the region recently I am not quite sure why the pond is not full now. I will be heading up for 3 days at the end of the month- I can post a report on the conditions then.

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