morn temps & snow stats
3 posts
2 users
November 9, 2003
This morn(sun the 9th)It was 22 degrees at snowshoe(4800')with a high yest of canaan vly it was 16 with a high yest of 36(3200')snowshoe recieved 215" of snow last year canaan had 224" With porte crayon bieng 5 miles south of canaan at 4770' I'll let you guys figure that out!
November 9, 2003
Member since 01/25/2002 🔗
316 posts
the problem is what happens at the bottom of that hill. but who am I kidding - if the pace opened I owuld ski it (but then again I might take advantage of the deserted slopes at T-Line while they we still open)

I am planning a trip to killington in early dec, and am not looking forward to the long lines and pricey tix (I have a free 4 day pass however).

Everytime I go north I always wonder just what they think they have on WV - yeah it is colder so they have good snow regardless of altitude, but that is it imo.

November 9, 2003
as a general rule just knock off 2 degrees from canaans temp to reach the temp at about 2700' at the base of porte crayon. Say about 18 this morn(the 9th of nov)at 2550' say 19 degrees based on the 4 degrees per 1000' rule. That means on the 9th of nov you got powder top to bottom!!
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