I'll toss out some choices:
Exhibition at Whitetail - it's always a human rodeo on that slope, so chairlift riders are generally checking out the action on the slopes. Ski a very fast line in the bumps while catching some big air without stopping, and you'll get noticed. Or ride a snowboard (that your parents bought and pay to have tuned) on the thinly covered, rocky section right under the chair, looking for some air off the waterbars across the slope.

The rock on the liftine at Wisp's North Camp looks like it will be a favorite.
Limelight at Whitetail. Before the crowds get there, hit some Super G turns at Mach 11. Once the crowds arrive, power snowplow straight down the hill oblivious to anyone in front of you.
Wipe out on Upper Ramrod at Ski Roundtop, lose your skis, slide into the netting, falling over the edge up to your shoulders, getting caught between the netting and the pile of snow on the trail, and you'll be seen. (Best wipe-out I've ever witnessed.)
Upper Silver Streak at Timberline and Lower Route 66 at Blue Knob. Both are narrow trails, with the lifts directly above. Ski real fast using only a fraction of the trail's width.
Get big air on the last hit at Whitetail's terrain park, right above the crowds waiting for the lift.