Weather problems
December 15, 2005
I am planning to visit whitetail on Saturday with a group of friends; however, the snow/sleet/freezing rain we could receive on Thursday/Friday worries me. How well should whitetail be able to recover by Saturday. (i am thinking in terms of icy conditions)
I wouldn't worry too much about Whitetail or any of the PA resorts. It looks like central PA, NY and north are going to get snow rather than freezing rain. In any case, those Bombadiers can carve up any ice, mix it with some snow and turn it into a nice corduroy in no time. Whats to worry about other than if you can get there?
Anything frozen this early in the season is good - think good thoughts for the base and take the slippery crunchies like a man! ;-)
Snow - ya good! Conan sez "what does kill you makes you stronger...". I am Herman "the Beast" Meier. Ach So!
You CAN Ski!!!!!!
No problem; Whitetail is always icy.
JK. I've been there on good days.
Well as far as Snowshoe is concerned they are *expecting* 6-10" of snow...
yeah the laurel highlands should get 7-10 I hope it doesnt mix.
Let the existing base be coated with two solid inches of boiler plate ice says I.
Then, 6 inches of fresh to clean things up and rest of the season is pretty much insured.
If it is before Xmas, take the long view and pray for ice.