Snowboard tuning in DC
December 8, 2005
Now that the season is finally underway, I need to get my board tuned. Do you know of any places in DC that will tune boards? (waxing & edges sharpened etc). And how much? My first winter in appreciated!

In DC itself or in the 'burbs?
In DC or the burbs...doesn't matter. Just as long as it's not too far from downtown DC
In DC your only option is Ski Center on Mass Ave near the MD line & AU
East Coast Board Co. in Fairfax is good, Willi's in Fairfax is good, Ski Chalet in Arlington. I haven't been super impressed with Asylum, they tuned my board last year near the end of the season and it felt really weird after it. I used the Fairfax shop (see the trend) but they have a shop in DC too.
I have no clue but go to and I'm sure they'll have it there. Like I said though they didn't do a great job on mine. I think the kid went at it with one of those pocket tuners. I'm hoping the tune I had done at Willi's has sorted that out.
Anyone know if the Ski Chalet shop in Gaithersburg is any good for tuning?