$3.33 per trail (CV report)
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November 27, 2005
Member since 10/4/2001 🔗
259 posts
Not bad. $5 toy for tot got you a $5 lift ticket a CV on Saturday. While it would not have been quite worth it if your reason for driving out there was only to ski If you were going out there to visit whitegrass or have a nice 4 day Thanksgiving weekend then it was a great bonus. Every year I feel like I am learning how to ski for the first time until I get those first run flutters out of the way so this was good for me. I got to get my skilegs back, got to try out my new skis and try out sking for the first time with a knee brace. Glad to report it was a sucess on all three fronts.
So While I know there will probably be some negatives thrown around about there only being three trails open, I thought it was a great bonus and would welcome the opportunity every Thanksgiving.

And... The three trails were in excellent condition!
November 28, 2005
Member since 02/9/2005 🔗
136 posts
ONLY three trails open? We're in Virginia (even West) for heaven's sake. Skiing in November! Awesome! My kid was running gates at Wintergreen on Sunday.

Life is good.
November 28, 2005
Member since 07/15/2004 🔗
585 posts
I took my 4 year old daughter up to CVSP on Saturday morning for our first turns of the year. I also took advantage of the $5 toy/$5 lift ticket deal. What a great time we had. The weather was awesome - upper 30s, sunny, no wind; and the 3 trails open were in great shape - plenty of snow. The whole Valley had its mid-winter face on over the holiday.

We had a great time skiing. Though we did not get up early enough to grab first chair - we did ride up on the number "1" chair - which is good-enough for a preschooler. After the first couple runs, my daughter remembered everything she learned from he Tline ski school last year. She was skiing faster and making nice near parallel turns all the way down. On our last few runs she was able to carry her speed all the way through the flat spots on "Bunny Buster" right to the lift. More than a few people did a double take when they saw my little munchkin zip down the slope and pull a perfect stop turn right at the lift line! It was a real confidence builder for her to see that she was skiing better than at least half the people out there - including big kids and adults.

All-in-all, it was a wonderful surprise first tracks this season (4 weeks earlier than we expected). We are hoping to make it back up there next weekend, and have already stocked up on $5 toys-for-tots! The $5 lift ticket deal is good through Dec 22.
DCSki Sponsor: Canaan Valley Resort

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