A few pics and a brief summary of my evening yesterday.
We left town at 3:40pm, as soon as the bell rang. Not long after we got west of town, we were greeted by snow. Traveling north, we saw a steady moderate snow, nearly all the way to marlington. Not a thing on the ground. Until you get north of marlington to about 3000'. As soon as we started up the incline of the mountin south of snowshoe, we saw the first white ground. Nothing significant until we hit the western base of snowshoe. There, 3" on the ground at the raven golf course. The roads were clear, until we crossed 3500'. We then encountered slush on the roads, and a good 5" on the grass. But at the split of the road (One goes to snowshoe, one goes to Silver Creek) there was a good 1" of pack on the road, and approaching 6" on the sides. The winds were blowing a good 30mph, and the powder snow (It was 25) was drifting crazy. Decided to hit the camp 4 area. Up there at 4400', there was 3" on the roads, gusts to 40, and 7" on the grass and runs. Started sessioning the camp 4 run, but it was getting dark fast, so I was not able to get further down. But I was pleasently surprised when lights came on from the camp 4 condos parking lot. This lit up the camp 4 run, and I rode until a lil after 8. Built a nice 2-3' ramp, and sessioned it for a while. It was epic. Never in my dreams would I have thought of riding 10" of powpow in october, and before my trip to the NE just 4 days away. Wow. Enough talk- How bout them pics?