Catch of the Day - Risk Takers
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JimK - DCSki Columnist
October 21, 2005
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
2,987 posts
I know it's bad for me to encourage them, but I'm always impressed when people do foolish things off natural terrain features. A few decades ago it was enough just to catch a couple feet of air once in a while, now you get no respect unless you huck 20 footers and throw in a couple tricks on the way down.
Schweitzer Mtn, ID boarder flip:
Nice little cross tip huck from Utah:
Swiss somersault:
Getting inverted with long skis at Jackson Hole, WY:
Helicopter at Canaan Valley, WV:

Bonus Edit: No tricks, just a real big huck at Snowbird, UT:
October 21, 2005
Member since 12/7/2004 🔗
824 posts
Wish i could do some of that

Love that powder in canaan!!!!!!!
October 23, 2005
Member since 01/11/2000 🔗
609 posts

A few decades ago it was enough just to catch a couple feet of air once in a while, now you get no respect unless you huck 20 footers and throw in a couple tricks on the way down.

It took me until the age of 33 to start getting a couple of feet of air. I respect myself for it if no one else will.
October 23, 2005
Member since 10/14/2004 🔗
199 posts

It took me until the age of 33 to start getting a couple of feet of air. I respect myself for it if no one else will.

I can respect that Roy. It was right around 33 when it started to scare me
October 25, 2005
Member since 01/11/2000 🔗
609 posts
There's no fear. I take that back, there's always fear. But it took me that long to really try it. Mid-Life Crisis?
JimK - DCSki Columnist
October 26, 2005
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
2,987 posts

I can respect that Roy. It was right around 33 when it started to scare me

Me too.

I get a kick out of a term new to me - BOMBHOLE, requires a big jump into deep snow.
October 26, 2005
Member since 12/9/2004 🔗
649 posts


A few decades ago it was enough just to catch a couple feet of air once in a while, now you get no respect unless you huck 20 footers and throw in a couple tricks on the way down.

It took me until the age of 33 to start getting a couple of feet of air. I respect myself for it if no one else will.

You are past the hardest part, getting air IMO is an important part to anyone skiing skills list. There are times when it was much easier and quicker to just jump, then trying to ski. Also if you do at on a regular bias, when that odd time your not expecting air happens, you will be prepared for it.

Me and my friends will routinely go into mogul fields full speed and just hit the first bumps as ramps and air over much of the mogul field. Not that we cant ski bumps "normal" it just ludicrous speed is much fun, and it requires lots of air time usually.
October 26, 2005
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts

There's no fear. I take that back, there's always fear. But it took me that long to really try it. Mid-Life Crisis?

Anyone have time for a "subtopic" ? Call it fear, an uncomfortable feeling, what are some of the situations that give you cause to.....pause?
October 27, 2005
Member since 01/11/2000 🔗
609 posts
Causes to Pause

The BIIGG jump in the terrain park
Corbet's Couloir (Jackson Hole)
Steeeep trees

I've done them all (except for Corbet's) but I do have to stop and psych myself up.

In Jackson 2 years ago, I spent all week mentally preparing myself for Corbets. By the time I was ready, they closed it due to snow coverage.
October 27, 2005
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Weird, i'm not uncomfortable going off a drop, like a cattrack, or finding hits on my way down the trail but i always get anxious in the terrain park, really don't spend much time there. I'm very reluctant to ski difficult terrain, trees, steep icy moguls alone, without a buddy, for the first time.

Roy, as far as not getting air til u were 33, i never even skied til i was 37, ur way ahead of me!

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