Snowshoe is expanding again!
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September 29, 2005
Member since 08/23/2005 🔗
1 posts
Snowshoe is expanding!

But, it is unclear of those mentioned 43 acres, how much will be ski terrain.

Take note of the latest SKI mag...
Page 251 Sawmill Village
(Website not running)
This small residential area will be located directly downhill from the new Soaring Eagle Lodge!
I walked the area one weekend when no work was going on.
This area is at least 5 acres.

Another concern is the mention of a vehicle storage area...
I can tell you that right now there is large "dumping ground" of trailers and other rarely used machinery near the very top of Snowshoe Mountain. (a short walk from Top of the World / see "Thorny" on topozone)
However, there is a new rough road cut out and just below this mentioned area. (4800' line approx.)
It has a large burm separating the "dumping ground" and the woods to the downhill.
This could be an indication of expansion out and past Top of the World with a small pocket of residential in the middle.

I should also briefly mention that the advertised 4848' summit elevation is located here as well, and Widowmaker lift currently comes in near 4800' (even Snowcrest is higher!) But, the top of Silver Creek, which is an unnamed mountain, comes in at 4848' as well.;layer=DRG25
Snowshoe messed up further when they put out their 2005 Summer Hiking and Resort Map!
They sited the top elevation as 4839'. Could be typo, but it's till funny. The new roads for the subdivision of Sawmill Village and the new rough road show up on this map. (sorry, I cannot post this map; find it!)

Snowshoe plans on adding a large public parking area/garage near Wildcat Provisions.
I have no details on this only to know that there will be better parking here!

On the same note, I was interested to see, earlier this week, bulldozers completely removing the Outpost Adventure Park. I cannot speculate why.

Another area of much interest is the recent announcement of the new terrain park features going in this season all over the mountain. A link can be found under the media kit below that describes some about the features.

Here's a link you might like!
Here's another good link...

In conclusion, there will not be much in the way of "new terrain" at Snowshoe this year, but 2006/2007 promises to a big year.

I'll keep you updated on construction, clearing, and other points.
September 29, 2005
Member since 03/11/2004 🔗
144 posts
There was an article in the Mountain Times Feb 2004 about Sawmill Village. See the link:

I don't know for sure, but I think this application is for expansion and new trails around the Widowmaker lift including an upgrade and relocation of the lift to accomodate Soaring Eagle Lodge.
September 29, 2005
Member since 03/11/2004 🔗
144 posts
September 30, 2005
Member since 11/27/2004 🔗
532 posts

In conclusion, there will not be much in the way of "new terrain" at Snowshoe this year, but 2006/2007 promises to a big year.

Sounds like the same old promises that never get kept. Let me know how it turns out since you won't catch me going back to see it!
October 1, 2005
Member since 01/1/2003 🔗
276 posts
At least we'll have one less person cluttering up the slopes. SWEET!
October 1, 2005
Member since 11/27/2004 🔗
532 posts

At least we'll have one less person cluttering up the slopes. SWEET!

Cluttering? You couldn't catch me...............
Scott - DCSki Editor
October 1, 2005
Member since 10/10/1999 🔗
1,279 posts


In conclusion, there will not be much in the way of "new terrain" at Snowshoe this year, but 2006/2007 promises to a big year.

Sounds like the same old promises that never get kept. Let me know how it turns out since you won't catch me going back to see it!

What promises are you referring to that haven't been kept? Snowshoe has made no announcement of terrain expansion. They can't break a promise that they haven't made. Snowshoe rarely talks about enhancements that are more than one season away. You're free to like or not like Snowshoe for various reasons, but I think Snowshoe has a good track record at delivering on its announced enhancements -- I can't think of any "promises" they've made in the past few years that they didn't follow through on in the timeline they outlined.
October 1, 2005
Member since 01/1/2003 🔗
276 posts
Thanks Scott. I remember last year when rumors were rampant about expansion in the Western Territory that Snowshoe specifically commented that they were researching it but it definitely wouldn't happen for a few years, likely not for at least another 5 years. If they wanted, they could just let rumors like that spread all over the place to get people excited? Instead they came out and put an honest damper on the rumor.

Snowshoe could give away free skis and snowboards of the brand of your choice to everyone and some people'd still get all upset about the color they got.
October 2, 2005
Member since 11/27/2004 🔗
532 posts
The promises that are made year after year at the annual owners meeting.
October 3, 2005
Member since 03/11/2004 🔗
144 posts
Please be more specific about your source of promises. I have attended the annual homeowners meetings for the last 6 years. I have also been a board member of one of the condo associations for the last five years and have had on-going communication with Snowshoe officials about development plans. I agree with Scott in that Snowshoe's development plan has been followed almost to the tee. There have been no offical "promises" about trail expansion that have not been kept. There are in fact promises that have been kept - Shay's Revenge is significant, Heilser's Way and Yew Pine significantly improved the flow of greenies over to the Northern Territory and added the nicest green on the mountain, and don't forget about the widening of Powder Ridge and the upper extension of Grab Hammer. While there certainly has been speculation, and there are no-doubt longer-term plans for trail expansion, Snowshoe's official position has been honest and reliable. I'm just curious Ullr what it is specifically, other than the so-called "promises" that makes you so sour about the Shoe.
October 3, 2005
Member since 11/27/2004 🔗
532 posts
I'm not goiong to sit here and argue with you regarding this. If you say you have been to these meeting and have never heard of the complaints we have voiced or the promises that have been made I question the validity of your claim. For me the issue is closed. I am sitting here with a fellow owner right now and he too cannot believe this claim.
October 3, 2005
Member since 01/20/2005 🔗
21 posts
There is quite a difference between goals and promises. SS does a decent job of setting expectations, but there are a lot of outside forces that have prevented them from expanding the slopes as they and us would have desired. I consider these goals not promises, so I would say they have done a good job!
October 3, 2005
Member since 03/11/2004 🔗
144 posts
I'm not looking to argue with you either. I'm just trying to differeniate facts from speculation. If there are Snowshoe officials who are promising things that are not true as you have claimed - then as a stakeholder I want to know. If you can't tell me specifically who said what and when - then I can only conclude that you have other motives in making these claims or you are hearing things from people who don't know what they are talking about. I just don't like it when someone continuosly disses something that I have an investment in - without specific facts behind it. Whenever someone puts forward something positive about SS you seem to always be first in line with something negative to say. If you are unhappy with the ways things are developing at SS - that's fine. If you think they need more terrain - that's fine too - and I agree. There are many homeowners that are concerned that condo development will outpace skiable terrain. There are some that want SS to make much more in the way of promises (and of course deliver). However, I have found SS to be quite tight-to-the-vest as far as promises go, and I think they have delivered on thier stated plans.
October 3, 2005
Member since 01/20/2005 🔗
21 posts
I am in agreement with you DWW. I am curious to see if you are going up for the homeowners weekend Oct 9-11? We will be up there as well. We always like to meet other homeowners. I will be in the RAC/SPOC booth at the lunch.
October 3, 2005
Member since 11/27/2004 🔗
532 posts
Do you mean 7th & 8th?
October 4, 2005
Member since 03/11/2004 🔗
144 posts
Yes it is 10/7th & 8th. I will be there - sort of in and out. I do want to attend the State of the Shoe and hear what the new Pres Bill Rock has to say. I am also interested in learning about the new reservation system and get the latest on the sewage treatment project.
October 4, 2005
Member since 01/20/2005 🔗
21 posts
Yes, I did mean the 7th and 8th. Maybe we will see you there. I have yet to meet anyone who posts here so it would be nice to run into you.
October 4, 2005
Member since 11/27/2004 🔗
532 posts
No I will not be attending. And I am truely sorry if anyone thinks my motives were to "dis" anything that someone has a stake in. It was not. I don't think I have always posted negative about SS, but I have been upset about about several issues in the past few years (check-in policy's, rope drop time, etc). I will leave it at that. So in conclusion, as not de-value anyones investment, I will keep my comments to myself.
October 4, 2005
Member since 03/11/2004 🔗
144 posts
No problem - It seems that Snowshoe always hits a sensitive nerve on all sides of the subject. I think that is a good thing. It tells me that there is a tremendous opportunity there if things are developed properly. I choose to remain optimistic.
October 4, 2005
Member since 01/20/2005 🔗
21 posts
FYI: In the last Snowshoe homeowners letter it detailed plans for a Rental Advisory Committee. There will soon be a website for all homeowners in thier rental program to discuss issues and topics that Snowshoe should look into.

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