Old skiers never die, they just go downhill.

Here's a bunch of fun shots, all from the last year or two, of some great legends in the world of skiing. These guys are still having tons of fun on the snow while retaining that movie star aura.
Glen Plake the gracious ski ambassador (who'd a thunk it) at the Buffalo Ski Club's hill in western New York:
http://community.webshots.com/photo/130169169/130170228bMBoilWarren Miller in 2005 (at Seattle's Edgewater Inn?):
http://community.webshots.com/photo/285374037/332021983qwOVtLJonny Moseley at Keystone, CO; got a love a guy who's signature move is called "the dinner roll":
http://community.webshots.com/photo/274192032/275655955FKOBaRAlberto Tomba (forever an Italian Stallion) in Schladming, Austria 2005:
http://community.webshots.com/photo/260939166/260943489kTOvAYWayne Wong and clients beside beautiful Lake Tahoe: