Wintergreen and Wisp info from the Dilly
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1 user
September 16, 2005
Member since 02/10/2004 🔗
1,668 posts
I'm working in Chantilly these days so I was able to stop by the Ski Chalet sale on my lunch break. Wisp, Wintergeen, Timberline, Blue Knob and Liberty/Roundtop/Whitetail had info booths set up. Here is some things I learned talking to the reps from Wisp and Wintergreen:

Wisp: North Camp expansion will be complete for the upcoming season, but additional expansion is slated to occur on other parts of the mountain in the years to come

of the 10 slopes, 7 will be beginner, 2 intermediate, 1 advanced. This information is actually available on the web site.

Wintergreen: New slope will be about the steepness of the upper part of upper cliffhanger.

There has actually been some discussion among the wintergreen folks of marking the trees between upper sunrise and upper tyro as an official gladed run. Wintergreen generally doesn't get enough snow to support glades but these trees tend to benefit from snowmaking on the adjacent slopes. I heartily endorse this recommendation.

The grooming that took place after the big snowfall in early march (see the "eager groomers" thread a few weeks back) is viewed with regret among many of the wintergreen folks - the rep I spoke with had the same reaction that I did when he got to the slopes that morning. Unfortunately no one had instructed the groomers to take the night off. It will be interesting to see what happens in the future if we have a big snowfall.

The rep said that mgmt at Wintergreen does read dcski and takes the input gathered from dcski seriously. So, wintergeen, if you are reading here's what I want:

1) Moguls
2) Glades to the extent it's possible
3) No grooming after big snowfall!!!

sorry this got kinda lengthy, I'm just excited to be talking about skiing again!

Ski and Tell

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