Massanutten vs Wintergreen
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August 19, 2005
Member since 08/19/2005 🔗
2 posts
Hi. Can anyone give me a comparison between the 2 resorts? Which would you chose and why? I have been to Massanutten but might want to try Wintergreen this winter. Thank you.
August 19, 2005
Member since 02/10/2004 🔗
1,697 posts
Hey Raybo,

I had a season pass to Wintergreen last year, and also hit massanutten a few times. I would say that overall wintergreen has a better selection of terrain for advanced riders, although neither place has anything truly challenging. One advantage that massanutten has is that they are pretty consistent about letting dixie dare bump up, so if bumps are your thing then there is always a run to do. Wintergreen never really got a bump run going last year (although the year before there was one that was pretty good). A final point: Wintergreen is cutting a new advanced run this year that has the potential to be pretty interesting.
JimK - DCSki Columnist
August 19, 2005
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
3,013 posts
Welcome Raybo3, I've been to both places about 10 or 20 times, but not to Wintergreen for about 7 or 8 years and I understand they've enhanced the lifts and added a trail or two since then. They are both good at making snow in a region that doesn't get much natural. Both have similar vertical drop around 1000. I don't know exact skiable acreage, but Wintergreen may be about 40% bigger than Massanutten in a horizontal sense (a few more trails). Both tend to be crowded on weekends, especially Wintergreen. As you probably know Massanutten has the advanced quad chair area which is a good bail out for crowd avoidance, Wintergreen stays real busy all over the mtn on prime weekend days and nights. If you've never been, however, it would definitely be worth giving Wintergreen a try, especially on a weekday if possible. BTW, Wintergreen's bldgs, cafeteria, rental and ticket sales, etc. are all on top of the mtn and the summit elevation is, I'm guessing, about 500' higher than top of Massanutten's trails. There are also a lot of mountaintop condos at Wintergreen, some ski in - ski out.
August 19, 2005
Member since 08/19/2005 🔗
2 posts
Thank you. I have beginner children, ages 5-11, so I stay on the greens with them after they get done with ski school. For now we don't need to much of a challange since this will only be the third time they are skiing. I like the idea of ski on/ski off which Massanutten doesn't offer. Are there any ski on/ski off houses at Wintergreen?
August 19, 2005
Member since 01/22/2005 🔗
2 posts
There are plenty of options for rental houses, or large condos at Wintergreen.

Check (one of my favorite sites) for condos and houses.

Also, check for discounted package deals for some of the condos there. The Diamond Hill condos (Slopeside)are pretty nice.

Or you can always can Wintergreen reservations and get rippped off on the exact same condos!

Hope this helps
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