Last Day at T-line.....not to have been missed
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DCSki Sponsor: The Omni Homestead Resort
April 4, 2005
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts
To all of those who were planting pototoes and onions....YOU MISSED ANOTHER GREAT CLOSING! About 6" of fresh on Sunday am made great powder lines on most runs if you could brave the 50+mph wind gusts. Although it turned sticky by 3 pm, it was well worth the trip. I even dined in the timbers pub on Saturday (brave me) and was plesantly surprised to the all you could eat baby back rib dinner.It was one of the best meals I have had in the valley this year. I hope they do more of this next year. Saturday's conditions made getting up and out in the rain worth it. Good snow, good bumps on OTW and w lightening was a smooth cruiser with a fast, smooth surface. Too bad they are closed. The conditions would be great all week.
April 4, 2005
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Oh my, what a great weekend! Saturday was wet early, I have a rule to not ski in the rain, unless it's raining . I expected the snow to be wet and sticky but it was fast and soft, foggy too, like Edgar Allen Poe foggy. Didn't we have a blast on OTW kwill? Smear the tops, push tips into troughs, reach for the next turn, soft landings, the whales maybe heading south for the other winter after the beating they took this weekend! Caught last chair at 4:20 and it was still good.

Sunday wake up call at 7:30 (Or was it 6:30 better be sure, spring forward?) and i was afraid i wouldn't get out of the driveway, snow drifted all around the car, what aproblem to have! Considered entering the lc race but as I overheard saturday at the pub "there's no race on a powder day". Followed k&mwill for first run down thunderstruck, nice line Monica, they went to inspect the race course and i turned into the pig. Great turns everywhere, if you heard your skis, all you had to do was make a turn and it was quiet again, except for the wind howling.

Could't have been more than 200? people there this weekend. Wish you were here!
April 4, 2005
Member since 01/18/2005 🔗
2,074 posts
Looks like the rest were only dreaming of a white ending rather than experiencing it. Jimmy, we enjoyed your company and making turns. We didn't venture to OTW on Sunday due to the winds and the traverse required on Sally. Monica was age winner in race and 3rd quickest female. I was 2nd in the fossile division of men as well in the local's cup. We all need to hook up again next season.
April 4, 2005
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts

Monica was age winner in race and 3rd quickest female. I was 2nd in the fossile division of men as well in the local's cup. We all need to hook up again next season.

Way too go . From what I saw of the race from the chair, there were some very good racers. Maybe next year we can enter a DCSki team! Sorry to be a pig but someone had to do it. One side benefit of the race course for non racers was the untracked on the left side of the course. Thanks for saving it, i was in it as soon as the race was over! Your right the wind was incredible Sunday; the ride up was almost as exciting as the trip down, i swear the wind would have pushed me back up dew drop if i'd let it.

Ski and Tell

Snowcat got your tongue?

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