The Power of DCSki
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March 22, 2005
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Hey Scott, Just wanted to thank you for providing this website, kind of an online ski club for us, and share a couple of stories and also hopefully hear from others.

So, last Saturday the Colonel and I (just met for the first time an hour earlier, thanks to The Power) are riding the chair at timberline, when the guy sitting next to me sees my pin. "HEY DCSki, I read that all the time!!, do you guys post there"? We introduced ourselves to Alan; he thought it was pretty neat to actually meet someone from the board, said he'd been lurking for a couple of years and really enjoyed the forum.

Same resort, Presidents day I rode up with two guys from Charleston, SC. It was their first trip to the valley. I asked them how they decided to come to Timberline and the reply was "I've read so much about this place on DCSki, have you ever heard of it,? we decided to come see for ourselves."

I'm wondering if anyone else has had any similar encounters? I suspect that for every registered user, there are two more regular readers out there. They probably think some of us are crazy. (They're probably right)

March 24, 2005
Member since 01/11/2000 🔗
609 posts
I know from being an instructor at Liberty that many of the other instructors peruse the sight even though they may not post. It has definitely grown a lot since I joined way back when.
March 25, 2005
Member since 01/29/2004 🔗
122 posts
I met a guy from DC SKI out in Utah. How sweet is that? Of course it was pre-arranged but it's still cool to meet new skiers from all walks of life when the only previous link you had was an interet chat forum. This kind of stuff is prevalent over at It's a very tight community and every member I've met through the website was even nicer in person. I'd say the two to one ratio of lurkers to posters is much larger than that. I'd like to give a shout out to all you lurkin' bahstids at the SC!!!
JimK - DCSki Columnist
March 25, 2005
Member since 01/14/2004 🔗
2,989 posts
From a Dec 2002 first hand Wisp report I wrote for DCSki:
Around noon I rode the Peak Chair from Wisp's main base area with a twenty-something snowboarder named Theo from Germantown, Maryland. Theo sported some nice head gear and lots of gray matter to go under it. I mentioned and Theo was quite familiar with it. We began to discuss John Sherwood's outstanding piece featured on December 3, 2002 about Mid-Atlantic snowmaking. When this young snowboarder brought up the effect of dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures and humidity in the snowmaking process, I had to chuckle to myself about just how well read and "sticky" the DCSki website really is.
March 25, 2005
Member since 12/1/2003 🔗
1,547 posts
I'm just curious to find out from Scott what the hits are on this site and what the membership numbers are upto now.
ridenski - DCSki Supporter 
March 26, 2005
Member since 04/11/2004 🔗
82 posts
This site has opened up a new world for me as I've learned to ski and improved my riding over the last few years. Through the site I've had epic days at Blue Knob and Timberline, including the famous last-day dump at Tline last year. I probably would never have been to either place without the information I got from the posters on this site. My wife and I had a fantastic time at The Canyons with Crush, exploring new runs there and laughing our heads off, and I've bumped into members (including Bumps) and lurkers on chairs at Whitetail and Timberline. I've used the shockingly explicit guide to Cherry Bowl Glades, been hooked up in Vail with great instructors and local knowledge, got to the Ski Chalet firesale early enough for some great deals, and now we may even buy some property at Timberline, all because of this site. In fact, after listing all the benefits I've gotten from DCSki just now, I've even coughed up some money to support the site. I'm looking forward to next year and meeting more DCSkiers!
ridenski - DCSki Supporter 
March 26, 2005
Member since 04/11/2004 🔗
82 posts
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I also made it over to Whitegrass for my first experience with tele gear and hiking up the hill this year. That was a blast, and I'll be working more on those weird drop-knee turns next year as well. I'm eventually going to find out where the Rabbit Hole is and get into the WV backcountry.
March 26, 2005
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
1,281 posts
the power is obvious ... we are all skiers which is the best "life sentence"... (quote Glen Plake) in the world ... SkiandRide (thanks you guys .. no offence Beth ) plus everyoneelse (P.J. Super G. JohnL ... glad U had fun this weeks JohnL it wuz aawesome, Jimmy, Candy ('n crew this week), KevinR, my good friend Jeff ... jeez siz years after your accident hung out with warren miller... etc .... Ed Flower .. finally gonnna come out here ... Scott big-hand-4-him-DCSki-guy-webmaster .... all-the-unlucky-avi-victims ... and everyone starting to ski today ...

we all love it,
it makes us feel the best,
what can be better,
follow it,
find yourself.

Crush ---
March 29, 2005
Member since 07/31/2003 🔗
485 posts
Yeah, I'd like to second that. This has been one way to keep up with what's going on, keep my sanity with a fix of ski chatter during the summer Anyway, it's been fun and I can't believe that the season is already winding its' way down (except for out west )

March 29, 2005
Member since 03/5/2004 🔗
2,650 posts
Yes ridenski, the "Utah Connection" is an amazing example of The Power. Send an email, you get a reply with the connection to "Crush's Mountain Guides". Crush says he'll ski with anyone, anywhere, anytime and he means it.
March 29, 2005
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
1,281 posts
Jimmy- you r so rite I love you all. I thank God every day for the gift I am given skiing here and I try to introduce everybody I can to what I have found. Your guys were so fun to ski with and we did just about everything ... ya? And give me a shout next season and we will do it again .. and again ... isn't it the best in the world!!!!!??!??!?!?!

As my racing coach Olle Larsson once said ..

"What could be better than a day of skiing and a glass(or more tee hee) of wine."

It is the the best thing in life ... take care my cousins!!!!!!
March 29, 2005
Member since 03/21/2004 🔗
1,281 posts
come back anytime ... Mary and I had such a gr8t time with you I am sorry it wasn't longer ... we have a whole bunch more stuff 2 show you so when you are out here again plese let me know ... I can get you into more trouble than you know what to do with lol take care and thanks for all the kind words God bless and keep 'em running true-n-fast ....

Eric (Crush) and Mary
PC UT skim bums 4 ever!!!!!

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